Toshiba Lifestyle introduces 'master craftsmen' ambassadors

MANILA, Philippines — Japanese home solutions brand Toshiba Lifestyle launched products with new designs and introduced new brand ambassadors from the Philippines.
The latest product line-up from the brand are highlighted by new and upcoming refigerator, laundry, and cooking home appliances in Morandi, Silver, and Black designs.
The designs, particularly the Morandi ones, have been on the market since the beginning of 2024 but the launch held last September 11 at Taguig's Maybank Performing Arts Theater aims to bring these items to the forefront of better living.
To highlight these designs, Takumi ambassadors were introduced. The idea comes from the Japanese concept of "takumi" or "master craftsman," a title for persons who have developed their skills with experience, judgment, and expertise.
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"The Takumi Spirit is a cherished manufacturing philosophy that reflects an uncompromising resistance to mediocrity and a true commitment to excellence, which is what Toshiba is all about," said Anna Marie Alejandro, General Manager of Concepcion Midea Inc. Philippines, which distributes Toshiba Lifestyle products in the country.
The brand's new regional brand ambassador is Japanese actor-singer Takashi Sorimachi, best known for the live-action adaptation of the manga "Great Teacher Onizuka" and the Hong Kong action film "Fulltime Killer" with Andy Lau.
In the Philippines, Toshiba tapped designer Amina Aranaz-Alunan, entrepreneur-designer Stephanie Kienle-Gonzalez, and chef JP Anglo to be Takumi Masters of Design, Home and Interior Design, and Food and Culinary, respectively.
The three individuals will represent the brand it its efffort toward bringing Japanese quality perfection to all Filipino homes.
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