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Sharing is second nature to Filipinos |

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Sharing is second nature to Filipinos

COMMONNESS - Bong R. Osorio -

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world.John Lennon

It is more than three weeks after the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, and a lot of sharing and giving — from country, group or individual — is going on. What does it really mean to share?

Sharing is an expression of generosity, charity or liberality. It occupies an important part in the teachings of most, if not all, spiritual beliefs, and to most, it is the initial step towards eliminating the defilements of greed, hatred and delusion, for every act of giving is an act of love, kindness and compassion.

Sharing is an important part of human relationships. When we are able to share, we project who we are, express what we think, and project how we feel. Sharing is a choice, a decision one has to make from the heart. It is not simply parting with material things. It also means distributing kindness, acting gently, providing comfort, promoting peace, developing trust, practicing patience, lending a sympathetic ear, and giving generous consideration, manifested in the way we talk, walk and feel.

The act of sharing usually makes the sharer feel happy about the act done, since we believe that good deeds beget good results, and that with every good deed done, we could aspire for the attainment of something positive like good health, good wealth, and good feeling.

In the business sense, sharing is all about living out our humanness, displaying benevolence and demonstrating unconditional loving. It is a practice that has come a long way where a corporation shares, gives away funds, or brings an act of unadulterated altruism in whatever form. Any benefits that flow back are merely unintended byproducts of doing the right thing. Corporate generosity can result in one tangible benefit — seeing your business name plastered on impressive buildings and foundations. That’s the same benefit being reaped by modern-day personal or professional sharing.

But there is more to it than just physical manifestations. A company that shares is a company with a purpose. Sharing as a purpose is an ultimate statement about the difference we want to make in the world. It’s our reason for being that goes beyond making money — and it almost always results in making more money than we ever thought possible. It’s not “soft stuff,” as some might scoff. During times of great crisis, for example, purpose is the key to sharing, as in creating and maintaining a high-performing organization. In this sense, our corporate planning — our understanding of purpose — merits just as much attention as strategy, execution, and measurement.

A clearly defined and articulated purpose that employees and customers can truly rally around is the starting point of a great desire to share. When the purpose is taken seriously, it can guide an organization through good and bad times. As such, organization must have a compelling reason for existing and use that purpose of existence to guide operations, marketing, talent management, customer selection, and investment decisions. Leveraging an organization’s purpose leads to significant and sustainable improvement in its most important desired outcomes.

Filipinos are a sharing people — a people who believe that improving lives is everybody’s business. I am not sure if there is an updated study, but in the earlier survey done by a group called Ventures for Fund Raising (VFR), Filipinos were seen to have a very high predisposition to sharing, either in cash or in kind, the beneficiaries of which may include relatives, friends, beggars, victims of calamities, and other needy individuals. We contribute or donate because of the special feeling of compassion for people in need, and we trust in the cause or organization asking for donations. Sharing also matches Filipinos’ religious beliefs and practices. It makes us feel good, and convinces us that sharing can be delivered in many permutations.

Filipinos usually do not share with solicitors because the needs of the household take priority. Charity begins at home, so we say. Sharing is also put to a halt if we lose our jobs, if we simply cannot afford it, or if we are not asked to do so. Other reasons include pressure from others and a lack of trust and belief in the cause of the solicitor. Our refusal to give is likewise due to dissatisfaction with the staff of an organization asking for the contribution, unfamiliarity with or the tainted credibility of the organization, doubts as to where the shared funds will go, and uncertainty regarding the objectives set. Filipinos will only donate to organizations that are seen to be legitimate, transparent in their dealings, and accountable for their actions.

Filipinos will most likely share resources with groups that promote social services, sports and recreation, environmental issues, education and research, health programs, arts and culture projects, and housing initiatives. Contributions being given by Filipinos are generated in various ways, like tickets bought to a special event, home or office visitation by a person collecting for an organization, direct mailers, referrals by relatives and friends, appeals in media, street approaches, or telephone calls. Filipinos do not give money to causes, they give money to people with causes, and they earmark donations to successful experiences, not to distressing situations.

Sharing is indeed second nature to Filipinos, for we believe that this will bring back the blessings of a long life, good appearance, happiness, health, and wisdom. Money is tight now, and will be tighter in the coming days and months. The world is becoming unsafe. But one thing’s for sure: In difficult times, Filipinos will dig deeper into their pockets to share whatever blessings they have with others.

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