Gut defender or gut restorer? The importance of microbiome in overall health

MANILA, Philippines — Recent discussions on health have leaned toward the gut. After all, the gut is not just a digestive organ anymore.
Studies have found that it actually serves as the body’s second brain, as it plays a significant role in one’s overall well-being, influencing everything from one’s mood all the way to one’s metabolism.
Thus, the need to pay attention to the gut, take care of it, and follow what is often referred to as “gut feel.” When observed, a person will be rewarded with valuable clues on the real status of his gut health in two ways — being a gut defender or being a gut restorer.

Gut defender
A gut defender believes that prevention is better than cure. He knows his body well, listens to its cues, and is always on the lookout for ways to keep his health in tip-top shape.
A gut defender normally does not have unexpected health issues, but when he find himself in a different environment, he knows his gut may start to bubble. However, with every new place, diet, or even schedule, he takes the necessary steps to let his gut adjust to his surroundings.
A balanced diet is key to keeping his body strong. One key factor is adding probiotics to his routine to give his gut the extra boost.
Gut restorer
A gut restorer, on the other hand, has a spontaneous and adventurous spirit and likes to live in the moment without constantly monitoring his body's signals. It is important for him to be proactive about his health, but he sometimes gets distracted by the flurry of activities around him.
Stomach issues like indigestion, diarrhea, or bloating are quite normal to him, and he struggles with unexplained fatigue, sluggishness, or mood swings. He is wary of antibiotics because he feel the effects of a weak immune system when taking them. In his more adventurous moments, he is prone to suffer the consequences of poor eating habits or bad food preparation.
Once concerns about his digestive health arise, he is quick to look out for probiotics that can help restore the balance of his gut microbiome.
The gut is home to a complex community of bacteria known as the microbiome. When the balance is disrupted regardless of age or disposition in life, unwanted bacteria may grow, potentially damaging the gut and affecting overall health.
Get in tip-top shape
Lifestyle choices play a significant role in shaping gut health, and being more attuned to bodily needs or knowing when best to listen to the body are both helpful starting points for lifelong wellness.
Probiotics play an important role in keeping a healthy gut. This is why Erceflora Kiddie was relaunched into two new variants —Erceflora Gut Defense for regular support to enhance intestinal ecology and Erceflora Gut Restore to help enhance the body’s natural resistance to gut infections for when symptoms arise.
Through probiotics that contain billions of Bacillus clausii intelli-spores, the body can reap not only the immediate benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, but its long-term effects to overall health down the line as well.
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