How to find beauty from within

People are so focused on physical beauty. We can see it in advertisements everywhere. In another article, I wrote about ways to be beautiful from the outside. To recap, these tips include 1) avoiding the sun, 2) stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, 3) getting enough sleep, 4) reducing stress, 5) cleaning your face gently, 6) moisturizing your skin, 7) using clever makeup, and 8) eating colorful fruits and vegetables.
However, for this article, we would like to focus on beauty from within. Some people aren’t exactly handsome or beautiful, and yet they exude a certain charm. It is as if these people have a glow on their faces, and a warmth that attracts people around them. I’ve done some research and have found 10 qualities to help us radiate beauty from within.
1. Care for people. For some, beauty can be defined as caring for other people. You are sensitive to other person’s needs, and you follow through with helping your neighbor. For example, if you happen to see a certain item that a friend of yours is looking for, why not get it for him/her? We live in an interconnected world. Helping a friend will not only make him/her happy, it will also give you a positive aura.
2. Have good manners. Be quick to smile and observe common etiquette. Know when to speak and when to be quiet. These people are courteous and respectful of their elders. In short, they have good breeding.
3. Observe good grooming. Of course, it’s a given that people should be neat and clean. It’s hard to have inner beauty if one has an unkempt appearance. And this includes the face, hair, nails, and other parts of the body.
4. Be appreciative of others. Kind words are free and they can brighten up another person’s day. People who are generous with their compliments have a certain appeal. You can thank a co-worker, a subordinate or even your boss. Give an honest and sincere compliment. Say it because you really mean it.
5. Have a sense of humor. Laughter opens up your personality and makes you look more radiant. When we laugh, the body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins that can make us feel happier. Even if you’re having a bad day, try to look at the lighter (and funnier) side of things. It doesn’t matter if the joke isn’t really funny, it’s okay to enjoy a good laugh.
6. Be like a child. Pope John Paul II possesses practically all of the qualities in this article. In old videos, you could see the childlike sense of wonder in his eyes during his unguarded moments. Children appreciate and enjoy life, and there’s nothing wrong with having fun. Continue with your hobbies. Appreciate the flowers and the buzz of life in the fields. See the innocence and beauty in the eyes of a child, and keep this quality with you throughout your life.
7. Be honest, yet discreet. Honesty is really the best policy. As Mark Twain said, “When in doubt, tell the truth.” In situations where one cannot tell the truth without offending the other person, we can just keep quiet. People are smarter than you think. We instinctively know if a person is lying or not. And getting caught with a lie will make you look unappealing no matter how beautiful you are. But an honest person, like the honest cab driver who returns the money left by his passenger, will exude a radiant inner beauty. You can’t help but feel attracted towards an honest and kind person.
8. Share your blessings. When I was still in Xavier School, the Jesuit priests constantly reminded us to share our “time, talent, and treasure.” Indeed, being generous is an attractive quality. Try to think of the other person’s best interests. “What does he need?” “How can I be of some help to her?” Mother Teresa’s generous heart gives her face a saintly glow. Doing good gives you that heavenly quality.
9. Turn the other cheek. A philosopher once said that if you want to avoid criticisms, don’t do anything. Don’t plan any projects. Don’t deal with others. However, since this isn’t practical, we just have to learn to live with criticisms. When confronted with negative comments, one option is to turn the other cheek. Let it pass. Anyway, there are really some people who will keep on criticizing even if you are not doing anything against them. Keeping quiet shows tolerance, understanding, and character.
10. Look for the good in people. Norman Vincent Peale shares the story of the wife of a philandering husband. Instead of nagging the guy, Peale advised the wife to wake up at 5 a.m. and just pray and send good thoughts towards the husband. After a few weeks of doing so, the husband suddenly stopped his womanizing, telling a friend, “I’m a no-good person. I’ve got a lovely wife and I can’t bear to lie to her anymore.” Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And if you really try to look for the good in others, chances are you will find it.
Finally, I know these tips are hard, but if we can follow some of them, perhaps we, too, can radiate beauty from within.