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If our country is rich, why are we so poor? |

Sunday Lifestyle

If our country is rich, why are we so poor?

I recently received a letter that caught my attention and crushed my heart. I felt so low after reading it that I just had to share it with you so you can help me find some answers and possible solutions. This is how it went:

Dear Mr. Pedero,

I am a mother who worries from day to day about where to get food for my three children. Life has become so unbearably difficult. Even though I am a college graduate, I cannot get a job. What my husband earns is not enough to pay for our small apartment and family’s needs. Hirap na hirap na po kaming mag-anak. Minsan wala akong magawa kung hindi umiyak na lang buong araw.

I guess everybody feels the economic crisis in some way. But there are people who do not care about others. As long as they are okay, as long as their cars are roaring and their cell phones are buzzing, wala silang pakialam. Look around, please, and see the suffering and tears around you.

I appeal to all Filipinos especially our government officials to act and do something quick about the sad state of our nation. I also pray that everyone would listen to their hearts and follow their conscience. Tama na po ang pagka-kanya-kanya at makasariling pakay. Kawawa naman tayong mga Pilipino, lalo na po kaming mga mahihirap. Kailan pa matatauhan yung mga iba diyan para gumalaw at tumulong sa kapwa? Lalambot pa kaya ang mga puso nilang matitigas pa sa bato?

Mr. Pedero, today is my birthday and I have been crying all day. Please tell me, kind sir – our country is rich; why are we so poor? – From a very frustrated mother (name withheld upon request)
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Mothers Should Never Cry
Wow, Gerrie, Lina and Milou, how do you reply to a letter like that? And the ironic thing about it is, it arrived close to today, Mothers’ Day. It pains me to see or hear any mother cry. Mothers should never cry. They should be exempt from crying. Having given birth was enough to dry up their tears. (A little reminder to husbands: Is the mother of your children crying? Take a closer look at her. The tears may not be in her eyes; they could be drowning her poor little heart. You should never do anything to make your woman, most specially your wife, cry!).
Two Ways Of Looking
There are two ways of reacting to our frustrated mother’s letter. One is to tell her that such is how life is – hard, difficult, frustrating. And that she has no choice but to bear the weight of its cross on her frail shoulders, like all of us have to. We can console her by saying that suffering on earth will assure her a fluffy, golden divan surrounded by harp-playing angels in heaven (this, surprisingly, is what most organized religions teach – that you have to suffer on earth to go to heaven!). But that, for me, would be discrediting the Savior who already bore the cross and died on it so that all of us could live a life of happiness, peace and joy (and I believe, prosperity, too). I believe in a loving, giving God who wants everyone to be happy, joyful and yes, rich! I think some mental reprogramming regarding this matter is in order. This is one of the best reasons why we, as a country, are poor. We’ve been wrongly indoctrinated that the poor shall inherit the earth. I am sure Christ meant something else!

The other way would be to tell her to rise above the suffering and work a miracle in her life. This, to me, is the better alternative. Instead of crying and pitying yourself, dear frustrated mother, dry your tears, go out and conquer the world, and claim what God had proclaimed is rightfully yours.
The Magic Secret To Creating Your Own Miracles
Deep within each of us is the power that can emancipate us from our misery, suffering and poverty. That power wells forth as a rich spring of creativity that provides ideas and revelations that can change the way we look at life, the way we face and solve our problems, the way we deal with trials and even adversity. Within each person’s mind lies the key to the godly wizardry that can make life magical, beautiful and abundant.

So my best advice to you, dear frustrated mother, is to design and create your own day-to-day miracles. There are many creative ways of helping other people so that the energy you send out is rewarded in terms of money from those you have helped. That is the secret principle of earning money. You have to help someone or do something for other people for money to flow from their hand to yours. If you would only understand that principle, you would be rich beyond your wildest dreams!
A Rich Yet Poor Philippines
Sounds like an oxymoron. Well, it is. You can’t be rich and poor at the same time. But you are right, dear frustrated one, the Philippines is rich. Rich in natural and human resources, too. Filipinos are imaginative, creative and talented. What then are we doing wrong?

For one thing, Filipinos look at the instant benefits they can get from a deal rather than at long-term advantages. This is why most Filipinos still sell their votes! Secondly, Filipinos don?t look at the big picture – like they think a little littering can do no harm. Think again, please! Thirdly, Filipinos always say, "Pwede na ’yan!" and settle for mediocrity. Fourth, Filipinos have a superficial sense of nationalism, and low true concern for their countrymen. Fifth, Filipinos are easily swayed or made ut? by charlatans and unscrupulous preachers. Sixth, Filipinos have gotten so used to seeing poverty around us. We already have built-in blinders that desensitize our emotions when confronted with these heartbreaking sights. Seventh and most important of all, we have been a dismal failure in people and country management.
A National Vision
For such a nation of bright boys and girls (as we claim to be), we have not pinned and written down our national vision. (I could be wrong – maybe somebody did write something down – but it sure is not known to a vast majority of the population.) We need to write down our national vision (what we want the Philippines to be and what we stand for) from which will stem our national mission (our dream duty or mission for ourselves and the world that we wish to realize as a country). This vision-mission statement will act as the guiding principle to everything we think, feel and do as a nation.

Studies have shown that people, companies and corporations with a vision-mission statement become more successful than those who have none. A nation is a giant corporation and therefore needs to formulate its vision-mission statement if it truly wants to be prosperous and successful. Without it, the country would be floating like driftwood at sea, not knowing what it wants, not knowing where it is going.

Our leaders should define specifically what we want to be in our vision-mission statement. Japan clearly envisioned itself to be the electronics giant and technological capital of the world, and that’s what it has become. Las Vegas was built on a dream: to be the entertainment and gambling capital of the world. And that’s what it has become. What do we want our Philippines to be? The domestic helper, Japayuki and mail-order-bride capital that it has become?

Listen, let me make it clear that I am not discriminating against these occupations (any honest, righteous livelihood is respect-worthy) but unfortunately, these are what we’ve become known for around the world. (And we bickered, got hurt and complained when one country put the word "Filipina" in its dictionary to mean housemaid!) My heart is filled with sorrow every time I see our young girls come out of training and placement agencies all dolled up, hair dyed light and lips rubied, in preparation to leave as entertainers in Japan. My eyes cry whenever I see hundreds of domestic helpers huddled up in parks in Hong Kong or elsewhere, think of the many daily humiliations they must encounter as servants from rough employers, and am horribly disgusted at the unimaginable provincial (although often honest and naîve) things they do in public (talking loudly, making tsismis, giving manicure and pedicure, even kuto crushing in parks, etc.).

I believe that we should have higher aspirations for our people. We could still be known as the most caring doctors and nurses capital of the world. Why not the ultimate source of great performing artists and musicians, best teachers or information technologists? We must teach those we send out to other countries poise, personality and proper demeanor before they fly out to work. Then they would not be as harassed like most of them are by their foreign employers.
A Word To Prosperous Filipinos
Dear prosperous one, your neighbor is a Filipino, just as you are. And he, too, is your brother. O rich and wealthy one, I implore you to share your abundance with him. Most of your bounties are rotting; if they no longer appeal to you, let them bring joy to somebody else. Give them to those who need help most, rather than leave them to collect dust or rust in your garage. O well-fed one, your excess food is clogging your arteries and making you ugly and obese! Look over your fence and share your food with the starving. You’ll have a slimmer, healthier body and your soul will be enkindled, too!
P.S. To Our Frustrated Mother
Dear very frustrated mother: You got me very agitated with the content of your letter but really extremely frustrated that you did not include a return address. Did you do that on purpose? Are you overcome by embarrassment or hiya like most Filipinos are? I am sure many people would like to help or get in touch with you. Your feelings and frustrations are very valid and quite representative of these times. Do write me again, please. Your letter has opened many eyes. Thank you. – Dero
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Registration for my Success Seminar "Make Your Impossible Dreams Come True" now going on. E-mail DeroSeminar@ or text/call 0920-4053233 for details. For comments on this article, e-mail The reprinting, recording or publishing of this article in any form including the web requires copyright permission from the author.

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