Hair loss: Causes and treatment

Q uestion: I am 31 years old and my hair has become thinner. Every time I take a bath, a lot of strands fall off. What can be done to cure my hair loss?
Answer: Normally, a person would lose 50-100 strands of hair every day. But he/she won’t get bald because hair is continually replaced. Baldness results when the loss of hair is greater than the production of hair. Medically, we call it alopecia.
Alopecia totalis means total loss of scalp hair. Alopecia universalis is a condition where all body hair is lost universally, including the eyebrows and eyelashes. Alopecia areata means there are certain areas of bald patches on the head.
The most common reason for baldness is hereditary. Blame your parents. There is a well-known male pattern of baldness, which creeps at the side of the head and then affects the crown of the head. In severe cases, some men have hair at the back and the sides only. Hair loss affects guys more often because of their high testosterone levels.
Certain diseases like anemia and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Unusual diets, crash diets, sudden weight loss, and vitamin deficiencies can damage your hair, too. Some women experience hair loss after childbirth, but their hair usually returns to normal in a year.
Is there an infection?
Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis can cause constant itching and scratching, leading again to falling hair. For these cases, use shampoo with ketoconazole, which is very effective when used as directed.
Check the hair for lice, too. Head lice are everywhere and spread easily from person to person. Use a fine-toothed comb (suyod) to remove the lice. Then use Permethrin shampoo to kill the lice. Be sure other household members are treated, too. Again, check the instructions and use only as directed.
is it stress?
Too much stress and involuntary pulling of the hair (stressed, overworked) can lead to bald patches. Any serious illness, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy can produce temporary hair loss, too.
Choose hairdressers with soft hands
Too much bleaching, dyeing, and tight braiding suffocate your hair. Look for a hairstylist with gentle hands. Traction of the hair using ponytails and pigtails can lead to hair loss. You may adopt a more natural hairstyle. And if your hair has been damaged already, try cutting it shorter so it can grow evenly.
With regard to shampoos and conditioners, find one that is gentle to your hair. Don’t use body soap for the hair. It’s not the right pH, says dermatologist Dr. Katty Go.
When shampooing, Dr. Katty advises using lots and lots of water. Make sure your hair is very wet before applying the shampoo. Otherwise, the dirt in your hair will just go around the head area.
Medical treatment
Medically, doctors prescribe minoxidil or finasteride to regrow one’s hair. Initially, these drugs were not meant for hair growth, but doctors found that the drug’s side effect would be useful for balding people. Consult your doctor first. Lastly, if these drugs fail, getting a wig and undergoing hair transplantation are the next options.
Natural treatment options
Fortunately, there are natural methods we can try first. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain lots of antioxidants, may provide protection for the hair follicles and promote hair growth. Foods high in biotin, an essential component of healthy hair, may help, too. Good sources of biotin are oats, green peas, soybeans, walnuts, and brown rice.
Soy products, like soybeans and tofu, may also decrease the formation of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone implicated in the process of hair loss. Reducing stress will help, too.
Hair care advice
Other natural treatment options include shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica. Aloe vera, vitamins C and E, and jojoba oil are beneficial for the hair. Do not use products which are not natural for the hair.
Common sense tells us to avoid too much sunlight and seawater since these can damage the hair. An afternoon of Manila’s polluted air will also leave your hair damp, dense, and dirty.
When taking a bath, be gentle to yourself. Hair is fragile when wet. Softly pat your hair dry instead of rubbing it all over. Invest in a soft tipped hairbrush and stroke gently.
And lastly, avoid hair pulling and rough fighting. Be gentle to your hair.