Sleep and social media: Survey shows 83% use gadgets in bed

MANILA, Philippines — A recent survey by cybersecurity company NordVPN found that over four-fifths of people around the world use gadgets while in bed.
The survey was conducted between February 12 and March 4 this year, involving 15,600 Internet users between ages 18 and 74 in 17 countries, except Mexico, where respondents' maximum age was 64 years old.
The survey results showed that 83% of respondents used digital devices — smartphones, tablets, laptops, televisions — in bed, with smartphones being the most used at 88%.
Of all the countries surveyed, respondents from Mexico tallied the highest use of gadgets in bed as 97% of users admitted to accessing digital content in bed.
There was a huge contrast in what time users tinkered on gadgets in bed, with nearly 90% in the evening, but only 38% in the morning. Half of the respondents admitted to using a phone alarm to wake up.
Another contrast was the type of gadget users were using at different times: morning users often checked the news, emails, and social media, while night-time users watched videos and series on streaming platforms.
While the amount of time spent using their devices while in bed is high, nearly half of the respondents say browsing in bed is a waste of time, but a few of them confessed to not taking any action to change their bedtime habits.