

Random notes on the Oscars

Baby K. Jimenez, L.A. Correspondent - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - Towards 3:50 p.m., Charo now on the red with Greg Robertson, Disney International Associate head of Asia Pacific distribution. Disney owns ABC, the network that carried the awards night and which was beamed to abs-cbn for Philippine viewing. No cameras were allowed inside the Kodak Theatre.

Charo was overwhelmed when someone approached her “Hello I am Sam Kori George and I must tell you — you are wearing the best gown tonight! I am Sam Kori George who won the ‘Oscars Designer Challenge’ (He did the outfits for the trophy girls). Where are you from?” Charo introduced herself and Sam told her he’s based in Chicago. Later Sam and Charo found themselves in the same section and Sam said, ”See, we’re even seated together!” He handed Charo a card “Just in case.” A lot of other guests complimented her, “What a beautiful gown,” “So lovely.” 

“They are very appreciative,” Charo remarked.

“It is the production person in you that comes out. Like how could they mount such a presentation like this with so much precision and order? I am glad we sat in the mezzanine, (Row D, Left Section, Seat 1). I could see the whole stage, the setting and changes in its entirety, it’s like watching Broadway. And that Hugh Jackman, he’s the sexiest man alive!”

Charo was escorted by Jose Ramon “Monchet” Olives based in Burlingame. He is the executive head of the cable channels and print media group of abs-cbn in Burlingame.

“I was telling my family — Cesar, the kids and Rina (her stepdaughter who traveled with her) and my friends in the office, don’t blink. True enough, as Amy Adams (the Best Supporting Actress contender from Doubt) was being interviewed on the E Channel, I was there right behind her. They did an exact playback on this inside the theater before the show started and I saw myself.”

“Right after we dropped by at the Governors’ Ball — which was also held at the Kodak, we went out waiting for our limo and there he was standing near us, Kevin Kline with his wife Phoebe Gates. So we asked, “Can we have a photo with you?” I am from the Philippines.”

On Meryl Streep, “She’s very grounded... her aura — wow..”

On Anthony Hopkins, “commanding presence, like Sean Connery”

Brad Pitt? “Benjamin Button! He’s no longer Legends of the Fall. He has metamorphosed. Benjamin Button himself. And Angelina Jolie? Stunning!”

I was very moved when they showed the former Oscar awardees all together on the stage paying tribute to the nominees.

“I also saw the young pair from High School Musical Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. Vanessa is so pretty. She’s half-Pinay, very charming!” 

Yes, there was no traffic from Beverly Hilton to Kodak Theater — all of 5.45 miles, and about 20 minutes sans traffic. Streets were closed temporarily as all roads led to Oscars.

“When I got off the limo and saw the cordoned off area, security was tight and when I saw the Oscars, I said, This is it. This really is it. I am here. I am actually here... My feelings? It’s different for example if you are walking on the red carpet for the very first time — like seeing Ronnie Poe for the first time in your life and you stare with your eyes and mouth wide open and say, aaaah...But if you have been in the movies for a long time and you’ve done it often, you know you are with human beings. You know it is their job, acting is their profession.”

Then, which Charo walked on the red carpet? The actress, the producer or the executive?

“All of the above. You know, when I was in the theater watching the show, I felt I wanted to go back to acting... Oh... Gabby (Lopez, ABS-CBN chairman and CEO) might not want to hear this (laughter). Maybe after I retire from my current task. I can play mother roles, grandma characters, mistresses!!!” (more laughter).

After the success of Slumdog Millionaire, Hollywood people are saying this might start a trend and would inspire co-production ventures with third world countries.

Is Star Cinema ready?

“Yes, it is inspiring and we are planning right now.”

Who knows, next time Charo makes an appearance at the Oscars, it could be for a walk on the stage to claim a grand prize.

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