

Martin on Gary V: Poetry in motion

FUNFARE - Ricky Lo - The Philippine Star

I just got the following e-mail from Martin Nievera who has some interesting stories to tell about his US concert tour with Gary Valenciano, considered to be his “arch rival” on the concert scene. The two are actually good friends. Read on:

Twenty five years ago I could not imagine myself singing with, let alone writing about, Gary Valenciano. Today, 25 years later, not only am I writing about him, I am even singing harmony with the guy! Thanks to my good friend, Ricky Lo, I have the chance to share the whole experience with all of you. Thanks, Ricky!

I just got back from a tour of the United States with Mr. Pure Energy himself, Gary V. I was his guest along with his two sons Gabriel and Paolo, Mico Aytona, the dancing brothers Jason and Joshua Zamora, and the powerful Mon Faustino and his Power Play band. It was a decision I was sure would lead to some controversy. But to my delight, there was from few to none. I mean...come on, who would have ever thought that I would even agree to such a guesting? Well, surprise, surprise! Gary did a cameo part for me in my 25th-year celebration concert last Feb. 1 at the Araneta Coliseum so I thought I would return the favor. I knew it was going to be a fun expedition, but what I didn’t know was what I was going to learn in the process.

I have studied Gary for many years now, trying to learn what makes him tick and what makes the people flock to his concerts again and again. Now, as his guest, I had an all access pass to really dissect his every move and decision. Without revealing any of his trade secrets this much I can say:

Gary V is in control from start to finish. His every idea and every idea change is spoken with conviction and confirmed in prayer. His commands are like that of Coach Doc Rivers to his world champion Boston Celtics. (Sorry, but the Lakers lost.) He makes me feel like we are a winning team about to face the very best in the league in a championship game. 

His band listens and understands. They are the only ones who do, because for me it was all in Japanese. And with a little wiggle here and a couple of stomps there, his dancer, his sons and the entire production team led by Vina and Bobit, knew exactly what to do and when to do it. With the awesome lights of Jun Antolin and the flawless sound of Jaime Godinez, the championship was already won.

So as I waited for my directions, I found myself in a power circle in deep prayer. It was the most inspiring prayer I had ever heard in any pre-concert situation. Gary even supported it by asking for his copy of The Bible and there it was. In black and white and some pencil markings. Directions from God himself, reminding us all that we are not alone in any challenge and that we should never fear defeat or failure for He is with us always. Well, something like that. Don’t ask me which book or paragraph for I might just lead you to the sports section of  The Philippine STAR.

And then we were off to our designated areas of concentration and I found myself alone in a dressing room with my sister Gina trying to decide what I should wear. You know Gary V, he can sometimes come up with the most creative outfits that some find impossible to match. So I decided to dress the way I would in one of my own concerts. Sure enough, as I came out on my cue on stage at the Nokia, I saw immediately that I didn’t match his outfit at all.

He wore this very rugged, modern-day fatigue — hip, wrinkled, laid-back, today-ish get-up while I wore my usual dark jeans and suit jacket. I looked like a waiter who forgot his pants, serving a gin tonic to a modern-day G. I. Joe. But when we sang, we sang as if we were wearing matching James Bond tuxedos.

The crowd went nuts! Then, with each “Mon Faustino taught harmony,” a little of me rubbed off on him as he rubbed off on me. It was history in the making and maybe a sign of a concert tour to come. Who knows? All I know is everyone at the Nokia, in Stockton and Seattle, knew at that moment that this duet was way overdue.

Performing with Gary V exceeded even my own expectations and I have to admit, not only did I have fun, I was also blessed by the whole experience. To see how he touches his audience like no one else can, me included, was a jaw-dropping experience for me. They listen when he speaks, scream when he sings, dance when he dances and are blessed when he blesses them by being a juvenile diabetic still jumping, dancing, singing, praising and caring and serving for the less fortunate every chance he gets.

Gary is a walking, talking, singing, dancing miracle! And anyone who sees his concerts go home hopeful and positive. I was no different. In our last city, Seattle, I went out into the audience just to see for myself. I sat between his sister Gina Martinez and his wife Angeli Pangilinan (who, I feel, gets less credit than she deserves). Angeli  has memorized Gary V’s every move, his blood-sugar level and insulin dosage, and still has time to take overloaded memory cards worth of pictures. Unbelievable!

Anyway, I became one of the 3,000-plus fans there that night and I saw him soar on that stage hurdling speakers, kneeling and praising, blessing and belting. I learned that for Gary V, a concert is more than just a performance. It’s an opportunity to inspire nations; an opportunity not just to strut his stuff, but to also do God’s work — to be His voice; an instrument of hope for the hopeless and home for the homelessly homesick. His music and performance soothe our soul and remind us of miracles and endless possibilities.

For me Gary V’s energy is pure...pure poetry in motion.

Thanks, Bro!

(E-mail reactions at [email protected] or at [email protected])

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