
Real Estate

Going back to country living

- Ann Montemar-Oriondo -
How often have you wished you could just pack up, hie off and relax to your heart’s content in the quiet countryside? How often have you envisioned yourself tending to your garden in your own farm, and then delighting in your harvests?

Landco Pacific Corp.’s latest undertaking, the 160-hectare Leisure Farms in Lemery, Batangas, was conceived with such a lifestyle in mind. Landco is behind such prestigious developments as Peninsula de Punta Fuego in Nasugbu, Batangas, Stonecrest in San Pedro, Laguna and Canyon Woods in Laurel, Batangas.

The Leisure Farm lifestyle is a throwback to the days of unharried and bountiful living. Leisure Farms is the first to integrate the farm, agro-tourism and resort concepts into a hobby-farming community. Hence its motto: "Harvest the fullness of life."

Alfred Xerez-Burgos III, Landco Pacific’s director for corporate development, conceived of such a community in l999 while preparing his Masteral thesis at the Asian Institute of Management.

"Our thesis had to be a strategic plan or about how we could improve an existing project," Xerez-Burgos recalls. "Landco bought the property in l997, and the plan then was to develop it into a golf course. But after the Asian economic crisis, we had to think of an alternative."

After considering several options, Xerez-Burgos singled out selling the property as farm lots. "I did a survey and found out that our market was already familiar with the Metro-Tagaytay area but wanted to do something else (besides just living there). Our concept appealed to the 45-year-olds and-above who are professionals – bankers, doctors, executives, etc."

That Leisure Farms did appeal to such a group is not surprising. At various points, the property rises 250 to 350 meters above sea level. Since it is also located at the periphery of the Metro-Tagaytay area – just over 80 kilometers southwest of Manila via Cavite’s Aguinaldo Highway – Leisure Farms is at once a highland destination with irresistibly cool weather and a rolling terrain of farm lots with breathtaking views of Mt. Batulao and Balayan Bay. The property thus combines the charming features of two worlds in one idyllic setting.

"We want the farm lots to be their owners’ second home," explains Eric Matic when The Philippine STAR meets up with him in the site accompanied by Landco project communications officer Mylene Mendoza.

Matic is Leisure Farms’ estate manager and his credentials quickly clues one in on Leisure Farms’ essence and thrust. He is a BS Forestry graduate of UP Los Baños who had worked as a plant nursery supervisor in Saudi Arabia and who for several years had helped manage raw lands and put up nurseries for a local developer.

"Here," continues Matic over buko juice from coconuts harvested in Leisure Farm itself, "homeowners can grow plants themselves. If they need it, they can can also avail of professional agricultural services for handling the daily maintenance of their farms. We have farm experts who can provide them with technical consultancy."

Matic reveals that a Training Center will rise in the property. It will be a venue for educating homeowners and upgrading their agricultural know-how. Training sessions, seminars and related activities will be held in the Center which will also house laboratory facilities.

Envisioned to include a hotel, gourmet retaurants, cafes, boutiques and farm supply shops on13 hectares, Town Center, Matic adds, will have a week-end market where homeowners can sell their produce.

Aside from the Training Center and Demo Farms, Leisure Farms’ other key features will include nature trails, bridle paths and a linear lake for country-style outings, walks, jogging, biking or horseback-riding. A Campsite will feature a clubhouse, swimming pool, a man-made lake, and camping grounds for picnics, barbecues, camping and swimming.

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