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Let the games begin |

Young Star

Let the games begin

KISS ASS - Ana G. Kalaw -
History tells us that the first Olympic games were organized to honor the gods of Mt. Olympus. While Zeus and the rest of his Olympian posse kicked back and viewed the sporting spectacle from their lofty perch, athletes from all over Greece grunted and shed sweat for the glory of victory, and the good graces of their gods.

Almost 300 centuries and various incarnations later, a new twist has been put on the original notion of the Olympics, such that the gods and goddesses are now the ones trickling sweat and tears for the sake of sport. In contemporary culture, the embodiment of deities are models whose perfect pouts and granite-hard bodies would lull us to sleep, feed our fantasies, and reserve our veneration. And our version of Mt. Olympus, where gods and goddesses come together, would be Modelympics 2005.

Brainstormed and organized by the Professional Models Association of the Philippines (PMAP), this one-day sportsfest, slated for the whole day of Sept.3 at the Rockwell Tent, will have local mannequins eschew the stilettos and give those gym-sculpted bodies a purpose apart from the photographic.

The first integrated model sportsfest in the country, Modelympics 2005 should prove that these pretty faces with god-like figures can also sweat it out and kick ass in a venue beyond the catwalk. The purpose is not purely for competition’s sake, nor is it material at the bequest of the early Greek athletes (the word athlete is an ancient Greek word that means "one who competes for a prize"). These models will play for fun, and maybe a little bit of pride, but mainly to establish comradeship amongst the posing peerage. Says PMAP president Rissa Samson, "PMAP has the responsibility, not just to pursue professionalism in the modeling industry, but also to promote and practice socially desirable objectives. (The Modelympics) is the first models’ sportsfest, which aims to promote unity and camaraderie among commercial and ramp models from different groups and agencies."

The response to PMAP’s project was unexpectedly overwhelming. Almost a hundred ramp and commercial models –PMAP, freelance, agency-dependent, neophyte models, veterans, celebrity models – have pledged participation to the event. "Initially, we planned to have 10 models per team but with so many attendees, we had to stretch the number." Participation even extended to pre-event logistics. Rissa acknowledges, "What was most heartwarming was when many freelance models would approach us offering to help. They know organizing an event to band all models was no easy task.Backstage, in between shows, we would all brainstorm together for ideas on the fun games. The ideas were hilarious and we were laughing half the time. It was rewarding to see that even before the day of the event, the bonding had already started." Just like with any sports spectacle, expect to have fans. Composing the cheering section are the press, TVcelebrities, and individuals who are at the forefront of the Filipino fashion industry: designers, show directors, stylists, photographers, and makeup artists.

Modelympics 2005 features two main sporting events: basketball and volleyball. Four teams will vie for the basketball series, and another four will compete in the volleyball games. Models who are athletically-challenged but still wanting to prove their mettle can do so in the slew of relay and fun games that will be chucked in between the playoffs. Rissa remains mum on the details of the relay games but reveals the involvement of "some rope, oil, a rod, and lipstick".

While contestants in the earliest Olympic Games pursued victory in the nude, our model Olympians won’t have to do so (bully for us). Eight sponsoring brands, and the clothing ergonomics of the modern world, assure that all participants will be duly suited up. Bench, Fila, Ray-Ban Aviators, Addict Mobile will provide jerseys for the basketball teams, while the volleyball participants will be clad in uniforms provided by Chocolate, Folded & Hung, Nestea Light, and Ray-Ban Aviators.

Modelympics 2005 is also made possible by The Rockwell Club, Power Plant Mall, Arrow Visions Integrated Marketing Solutions, in cooperation with Power Bowl, Nestle Waters, Freeway and YStyle.
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