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Globe’s EdTV makes learning fun |

Young Star

Globe’s EdTV makes learning fun

- Menchie V. Osial -
The use of a cell phone has become a way of life and a vital tool in daily communication that most people can’t seem to pry away from it. For the mobile professionals – technophiles, audiophiles, partyphiles, or the juggler of tasks, Globe boasts a myriad of value-added services to suite any lifestyle. As one of the leading telecommunications company, Globe takes the mobile lifestyle to newer and greater heights. Mobility is the name of the game, and the next mega-trend which will shape all areas of the life of the consumer both in terms of providing information technology and media initiatives. As Globe continues its goal of providing a higher level of communication, it improves its network coverage by activating more cell sites all over the country. The establishment of more cell sites in the provinces is clear proof that Globe is committed to its role as a partner in the improvement of life.

The world of technology spins at an ever-increasing pace – dizzyingly so, in fact – and Globe never lets up. The company’s desire to always be one step ahead is understandable. With a continuously growing subscriber base, it has to live up to its image, which is that it delivers new communication experiences. Thus, it comes out with revolutionary services as a response to the market’s need for easier, more powerful communication. This is the company’s way of keeping its business in tip-top shape – by maintaining its competitive edge and pioneering stance into the next level of cutting-edge service offerings. Globe makes sure that it contributes positively to the social, economic, and environmental development of the communities where it operates. Its responsibilities come in various realms – business, family, and community.

Because of its record of profitability, Globe has managed to cultivate a reputation for its values and strong corporate social responsibility programs (CSR), thus, being able to maximize its impact on its subscribers, stockholders, and the community. Its staunch support and dynamism through poverty alleviation programs aims to help marginalized communities become part of the mainstream.

Education takes centerstage among the various initiatives Globe takes. "Let us support programs that will help improve the quality of public school education in the country. It is high time we encourage the promotion and practice of volunteerism among us, as we participate in the call of the nation to alleviate poverty and uplift the lives of the less privileged in our society," said Globe president and CEO Gerry Ablaza. While the challenges and realization of securing a better tomorrow for the Filipino youth remains huge, Globe has made a start.

Globe looked into the present educational system, and tried to assess how it could contribute significantly to improving it. Because of the global environment we are in, there is a need to reinvent the education process. Today, information technology is revolutionizing lifestyles, workstyles and is changing the process of learning. Learning has now become multi-sourced. Distance learning through educational television and other delivery schemes are now being used in the school system. The modern teacher may find himself within the confines of the traditional classroom and its chalk-and-board environment but because of the pervasiveness of mass media and information technology the teacher must also move with the times. The presence of multimedia resources such as television, computers, and the Internet enhance the quality of learning, increase teaching efficiency, and reduce educational cost.

There is a need to provide every Filipino child with quality and top caliber education. Globe took the pivotal role of providing enhanced basic education to the elementary school youth. It has forged a partnership with ABS-CBN Foundation Inc., (AFI) for educational television programs reputed to be effective supplementary learning materials. Globe has adopted this as part of its corporate social responsibility program where public elementary and high schools are the prime beneficiaries. Known as Educational Television or EdTV (a part of BridgeCom, Globe’s integrated community relations program), it reflects the trendsetting innovations of Globe.

On October 23, 2003, Globe’s EdTV was implemented. It is no substitute for the teacher, but it is an additional information tool where the teachers serve as guide.

While Television has often been described as the boob tube, it’s still one of the best mediums of information. By harnessing its vast potential, and by developing programs that increase knowledge, television can also be good for the youth. "The importance of EdTV is that lessons are fun and fast-paced – interactive learning becomes interesting. Most students of school-recipients would rather watch EdTV programs during breaktime than play. With this kind of educational infrastructure more students will become interested in learning," said Jeffrey Tarayao, Globe CSR head.

An EdTV infrastructure consists of a 21-inch television set, a VHS player, and 70 volumes of video programs on various subjects for all grade levels. Among them are Sineskwela, Mathtinik, Epol/Apol, Hirayamanawari, Pahina and Bayani.

Studies show that students exposed to these educational materials have better comprehension and retention of lessons, heightened interest and enthusiasm in studying and yield improvement in daily class attendance. In addition, these programs are envisioned to instill in the minds of the Filipino youth a genuine sense of values and profound understanding of our cultural and historical heritage. As a result, students get higher grades and exhibit better over-all performance of children in the community is enhanced, the community in general improves.

Globe reaches out to more schools and touches more lives. The dream of bringing the EdTV project to every school in the country is a daunting task. Globe CSR volunteers put on an adventurous spirit each time they do community work. Unmindful of the thirst, hunger, and heat, they sometimes walk through muddy trails, which take them to far- flung barangays. They endure wild rides to hard-to-reach areas on a rickety bus or van, hanging on to their seats as the vehicle staggers over the hopelessly uneven dirt roads or even roads submerged under water. Globe CSR volunteers want to reach out to the schools and students who need the EdTV package most. Children flashing their toothless grins wave little flags of appreciation. The welcome is always very touching.

The Globe CSR team is composed of a strong force of young, dynamic and selfless individuals. They are values-driven men and women with deep conviction and courage who stand as ambassadors of Globe Telecom. Any school beneficiary that Globe reaches out to receives a call from the Globe CSR team where they are assured of the best service possible for them and their community.

With 41 schools reached in its BridgeCom program, Globe still has about 79 more schools on its list to complete its targeted 120 schools by end of this year.

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