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Why you should invest in your health, not luxury goods |


Why you should invest in your health, not luxury goods

OOH LA LAI - Lai S. Reyes - The Philippine Star
Why you should invest in your health, not luxury goods
Katherine Alejar, CEO and chief innovator of i3 Inc., the exclusive distributor of Vital Dome in the Philippines, Singapore, Maldives and South Korea.

If there’s one thing this lady boss realized while climbing the corporate ladder, it’s that “your health is far more important than your paycheck.”

“I worked for well-known media outfits in the early days of my career,” shares accidental entrepreneur Katherine Alejar. “But the most memorable one for me was MTV, as it was where I got my first exposure to the international market.”

Alejar, who also worked as a consultant for a creative agency, then joined a subsidiary of a major telco company as its mobile advertising head.

Alejar’s work opened her eyes to a number of things about women in the workplace.

“Women are ambitious and hardworking, there’s no doubt about that,” she said. “They’re more inclusive and empathetic leaders.”

However, in the pursuit of their dreams, many have eschewed health and wellness to “invest their earnings in luxury goods instead.”

And that’s something Katherine found disturbing.

Dr. Z Teo and Dr. Aivee Teo of The Aivee Group with Katherine Alejar at the Vital Dome showroom in Paris, France

Real luxury doesn’t have a price tag

Real luxury — like good health — doesn’t come with a hefty price tag. A sound mind and body, Katherine realized, have become much more important than outwards shows of success.

“Health issues are one of the most common problems I’ve seen with my peers,” Katherine shared. “A lot of women tend to neglect these. The daily work hustle, not eating on time, and not getting enough sleep can definitely take a toll on one’s health.”

And instead of investing in their health, “I see them buying luxury items that offer instant gratification,” Katherine added.

They’re not paying attention to their health and that’s “going to be a problem sooner or later.”

The accidental entrepreneur

With that in mind, Katherine left the corporate world to carve her own name in the field of marketing communications.

“I didn’t plan on being an entrepreneur,” related Katherine, CEO and chief innovator of i3 Inc. “My dream was to climb up the corporate ladder.” The rest, as they say, is history.

Not joining the corporate rat race changed things — for the better — for Katherine.

Her marketing communications agency has expanded its scope of services. Katherine’s entrepreneurial mindset has led her to the highly competitive wellness industry.

At the factory of Vital Dome in the historical place of Normandy, France

Sharing the gift of good health

A self-proclaimed fitness and wellness buff, Katherine’s journey started at a young age. But at that time, she just sought out solutions that would enhance her appearance — and not her overall health.

“But external beauty fades if one doesn’t take care of their overall health,” Katherine shared. And so, she began to seek solutions that would help boost one’s energy in a healthy and non-toxic way.

In 2019, i3 Inc. introduced Filipinos to the healing properties of Vital Dome, a state-of-the-art ecosystem machine from France that uses pure far infrared rays (FIR) to regenerate the body. And just when Vital Dome was about to get off the ground, the pandemic happened.

“When the pandemic hit, inquiries for Vital Dome went down,” recalled Katherine. “No one would dare go out to try the machine and experience its benefits. Plus, all my clients drastically cut back on their budget.”

Not one to shy away from the challenges brought about by COVID-19, Katherine showed tenacity and resilience to save the business she single-handedly built even when sales were down and options restricted.

She started selling testing kits and also partnered with a doctor and a team of nurses to perform on-site COVID-19 tests. Katherine likewise began offering partnerships with clinics and wellness centers to retain brand visibility, something that allowed her to continue ordering from her principal in France and retain her position as Vital Dome’s exclusive distributor.

Katherine even introduced the “Bring Home a Dome” campaign that would allow clients to install Vital Dome in their homes so that they could share its benefits with family and friends.

The results were gratifying. “In the post-pandemic scenario, Vital Dome proved to be timely because this is exactly what we need,” said Katherine.

This is because the FIR generated by the carbon panels within Vital Dome help reduce internal inflammation.

“FIR helps manage chronic pain, mitigates the impact of aging on one’s joints and muscles, and rehabilitates those recovering from injuries or the wear and tear of repetitive movement,” explained Katherine.

Vital Dome’s benefits extend towards healthy weight management, body shaping, and even dermatology, as FIR kick-starts the regenerative process at the skin’s cellular level, leading to a fresher, more elastic, and younger appearance.

“It’s the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones,” Katherine said. “Use it after a hard day’s work. We are exposed to oxidative stress every 15 minutes. Vital Dome helps flush these out from your system.”

Vital Dome is currently available at The Aivee Clinic, the Avignon Clinic, The Farm at San Benito, Peak Form, at the Well-Balanced Chiropractic Wellness Center, and at the CDO Pearl Body Touch Facial Center in Mindanao.

Beyond vital dome

Aside from Vital Dome, i3 Inc. also offers other wellness solutions. It recently introduced Oligocheck, a non-invasive diagnostic device that does real-time analysis if one has been exposed to heavy metals and other environmental contaminants that are detrimental to one’s health.

i3 Inc. is also the exclusive distributor of Rejucream, a solution that women in their peri-menopausal and menopausal years will gladly welcome, as it relieves discomfort brought about by vaginal atrophy, a key source of stress and physical pain for women in their 40s and 50s.

The Oligocheck is available at The Farm at San Benito and JLopez Medical Clinic. Rejucream, on the other hand, may be purchased over the counter at the Vital Dome website, as well as its partner gynecological and dermatological clinics.

This year, Katherine is setting her sights overseas, bringing the gift of health and wellness to those who need it the most.

“My vision is to have satellite offices in other countries and offer cutting-edge products and solutions in the beauty and wellness industry. In doing so, I would also be able to help others by generating valuable employment,” the lady boss with a heart added.

* * *

i3 Inc. is also the exclusive distributor of Vital Dome in Singapore, Maldives and South Korea.


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