Prenatal massage helps pregnant women de-stress
December 20, 2005 | 12:00am
Pain originating in the low back and buttock area can be coming from a number of different things. Most often, pain results from tight muscles pulling abnormally on the spine. However, it could come from the spine or pelvis rotating abnormally, causing pressure on the nerves. The most common muscular problems that arise during pregnancy result from overstretching of weak abdominal muscles, and tightening of hamstrings (back of the thigh), hip flexors (front of the hip), quadriceps (front thigh), as well as the low back muscles from increased arch in the back. The problem may also be related to the increased joint laxity as a result of the release of the hormone relaxin during pregnancy. This is what accounts for the duck waddling gait of the pregnant woman since all her joints in the hips start to move. Relaxin also causes the relaxation between the two pelvic bones so this loosens and causes pain in the lower part of the abdomen.
Another source of back pain in pregnancy is sciatica, which results from inflammation or pressure of the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve which comes from your lower back and travels down the back of your legs, and then branches out to your feet, allowing you to feel touch and movement. Sciatica can occur with or without backache and can send pain down the back of the leg, making walking unbearable.
It can relieve cramps and muscle spasms.
It can help maintain skin elasticity and possibly help ease stretch marks.
Because of its ability to lower catecholamines (stress hormones), it helps reduce stress and promote relaxation, thus alleviating headaches and sleep problems, and even possibly lower blood pressure.
Due to the nurturing touch, it provides pampering, emotional support, and physical nurturing, particularly for moms who feel so alone due to the physical or emotional absence of the father.
Enhances the self-esteem of the pregnant woman.
Helps the pregnant woman become aware and feel more at home with the changes her body is going through.
Develops the sensory awareness and relaxation necessary to be an active and responsive participant in the birth experience.
It should be avoided in the following circumstances:
If you have a history of premature labor in a previous delivery.
If you have signs of premature labor in the present pregnancy or threatened abortion.
If you have any evidence of a low implantation of the placenta by ultrasound.
If you have an incompetent cervix or any other cervical dysfunction.
Gestational edema, proteinuria, hypertension in pregnancy
Diabetes in pregnancy
Multiple birth
Heart disease, liver or renal disease
Rh factor incompatibility or genetic problems
Do not proceed with a massage in pregnancy if you have any of these signs and symptoms which may signify you are suffering from the above complications:
Bloody discharge
Hardening of the abdomen at intervals closer than every 30 mins.
Continuous abdominal pains
Leakage or gush of amniotic fluid
Weight gain of over two lbs. in one week
Protein or sugar in the urine
Severe back pain associated with hardening of the abdomen
Severe headaches, especially if with visual disturbances
Excessive hunger and thirst
Frequent, increased urination in the third trimester
Presence of painful varicose veins
Michelle is primigravid and experienced sciatica from 26 weeks of pregnancy that gave her a lot of discomfort while walking. After one session of prenatal massage, her sciatica was markedly reduced and she plans to go for further massage till she delivers. Ellen could not sleep on her last trimester of pregnancy so she decided to try one session of prenatal massage. That night, she slept soundly throughout the night not only for one week but for the rest of the month.
There are many pregnant women who can be helped by prenatal massage. It is one of the adjunctive services that can improve the well-being of a pregnant woman. Remember that a happy, healthy mother will also likely yield a happy, healthy baby.
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