

How will the stars fare in Year of the Rabbit?

STAR BYTES - Butch Francisco -

 (First of two parts)

 In late July 2010, psychic Maricel Gaskell sent me a text message to share the good news that she saw in her vision Venus Raj doing well in the then ongoing Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas. She said that the Philippine bet would have a strong chance of winning — if she doesn’t become too overconfident.

Venus’ answer in the final round about not having made a lot of mistakes in her young life was perceived as a sign of having been a bit too overconfident by many. She may not have become the third Filipina Miss Universe, but her fourth place finish was still impressive and even became an Internet sensation. Honestly, I don’t even recall who won the title, but Venus will forever be remembered as the “major, major” Miss Universe finalist.

Because of her prediction regarding Venus’ Miss Universe performance, Maricel impressed a lot of people. From my end, I keep her among my friends because, aside from being a good person, she also helps nourish my spiritual needs since she always advises me to pray, pray and pray some more.

Now regarded as a spiritual adviser, she writes a three-times-a-week column for this paper’s sister publication, Pilipino Star Ngayon. She also hosts a radio show on DWIZ every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 12 noon.

Psychic Maricel Gaskell

Below I asked Maricel to give a forecast on how some of our local stars will fare this Year of the Rabbit.

Vilma Santos — She’ll have phenomenal luck, great abundance and all of her ambitions will be attained. She will finally run for an even higher position in politics and will win not only with the help of friends, but also because her accomplishments will speak for themselves. However, the health of someone dear to her will not be so good.

Richard Gutierrez — This will be a year of expansion for him. His good reputation will shine even more. He will also be doing more challenging and daring roles. His love life will be stable.

Nora Aunor — She may consider staying here for a while. As for her making a permanent showbiz comeback — that will remain a question mark. But 2011 will generally be a better year for her. However, she should take care of her health, especially her lungs.

John Lloyd Cruz — Ms. Gaskell says she can’t see him having a harmonious relationship with his present girlfriend. The whole thing may lead to a separation due to his confused mind and jealousy on the part of the girl. As for his showbiz career, it will remain stable this year. 2011 is also a good year for him to travel.

John Lloyd Cruz

Cristine Reyes — Her love life will be full of intrigues and controversies and may end up in sudden marriage. She should travel more to clear her mind. She should also be more careful in her dealings. There will be less showbiz projects this year.

JC de Vera — This 2011, he should guard against accidents, especially in the spine area and lower back. He will have more programs and product endorsements. It will be a stressful year for him in terms of relationships.

KC Concepcion — She should handle her finances well. There will be some disappointments and unexpected changes in her career. But she should welcome those challenges because those would all be for the betterment of her life and career. Controversies and other showbiz-related issues will continue hounding her.

Piolo Pascual — Generally, this will be a good year for him. His love life will also be smooth sailing. At times, however, there will be bouts of jealousy. He may also suffer from stomach problems.

Angelica Panganiban — Her health should be her main concern for 2011. She will also get enmeshed in a lot of issues. There will be a lot of travels for her and she may even consider staying abroad for months.

Angel Locsin — She will have luck and stability in showbiz this 2011. Her love life will be dull. She’ll be prone to accidents and should be more careful.

Richard Gutierrez

Ogie Alcasid — This will be a very lucky year for him. He will have even better opportunities this 2011, but all those would require him to work very hard. He should pause for more honeymoons with wife Regine Velasquez.

(To be concluded)

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