

Shell reveals Pinoy drivers become skilled fuel savers


MANILA, Philippines - There are different types of Filipino drivers. While some have notorious driving habits there are also a lot who have been always courteous on the road. Some refuel once a week, others gas up only when their tank is near empty, while some consciously and consistently check the kilometers per liter that their car gets. One thing is common among them though: they all want to save fuel.

Over three-quarters of Filipino drivers surveyed say they have become more pro-active fuel savers compared with 12 months ago with nine out of ten motorists saying they are willing to change their driving habits to save fuel, according to a Shell market research which looks into how drivers think, feel, and do about fuel efficiency. The research also revealed that 67% of drivers in the Philippines drive less now in view of the current economic climate, higher than the global average of 53%. Ninety percent (90%) of the respondents agree that being fuel-efficient translates to money savings.

According to the study, Filipinos who drive more than 20,000km per year and those who refuel less than once a week check their car’s kilometers per liter most. Pinoy motorists now employ an average of 9 fuel-saving tactics, a significant increase from the average of 2 actions taken two years ago. The study further revealed that drivers in the Philippines take the most number of actions to save fuel among the other six market areas surveyed, Singapore (8 actions), Germany and Malaysia (7 actions each), and Hong Kong SAR and The Netherlands with 6 actions each. The top three most popular ways that Filipino drivers employ in order to save fuel include: (1) keeping the engine properly tuned; (2) keeping the tires properly inflated; and (3) driving sensibly and within speed limits.

For Pinoy motorists, to see is to believe. For those who are not yet fuel-efficient, approximately 30% stated that lack of information and knowledge deters them from adopting fuel-efficient methods. Looking at all the drivers surveyed, 65% are looking for proof that an increase in fuel efficiency will directly translate into more cost savings.

Pilipinas Shell Fuels Manager Stephanie Cua emphasizes the need for fuel companies to help consumers save fuel by using simple tools like Shell FuelSave tips. “We seek to help motorists get the most out of every drop of fuel, that’s why we are happy to see that a lot of people are obviously doing much more now to maximize the mileage they get out of their fuel, which help ease the pressure on their wallets,” she observes. “We have been working hard to show that it’s easy enough to save using the right fuel and the right driving techniques, so we are pleased to see people are trying and succeeding.”

According to the research findings, drivers across the countries surveyed believe they could earn more savings monthly by changing the way they drive and using fuels that improve fuel efficiency. A clear image also jumps out: drivers significantly underestimate how much fuel they could save per month by being more fuel-efficient.

On average, respondents in the Philippines think they could save more than P700 per month if they were to adopt fuel efficient methods. However, results of the 8-week Shell FuelSave Challenge in 2008 showed that top participants were able to save up to 24% of the fuel they use with just a few small changes in driving habits. This is roughly P1,156.68 in monthly savings, nearly double the amount estimated by survey respondents.

Over the last two years, Shell has trained over 2,000 drivers around the world to help them save fuel. Filipino participants achieved remarkable success, with half of them saving fuel and 28% saving between 10% to 30% of their usual fuel usage. “Hopefully these results can convince more drivers that taking fuel efficient steps can directly lead to savings and inspire them to become active fuel savers,” says Cua.

Shell through an international research firm, StrategyOne, completed the market study in the first quarter of 2009, spanning six countries including the Philippines, as part of its campaign to help motorists get the most out of every drop of fuel.

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