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Yes, skin can be born again! |

Fashion and Beauty

Yes, skin can be born again!

PENNY LANE - PENNY LANE By Rebecca C. Rodriguez -
Sad but true – stress, fatigue, internal and external aggressors can make skin look and feel under the weather. You wake up to dark spots and dull, lackluster skin. Oh, the horror! The question is, how can you restore a bright, even complexion and the skin’s mood?

Don’t worry, there is now a solution to help the skin be born again. That is, thanks to Clarins White Plus Skin Renew Whitening Program. This unique facial treatment renews the skin in just 21 days. So, you get inner peace – depressed skin will get an instant fix of clarity, smoothness and a reduction of spots. What a relief!

"Women juggle a lot in their lives and want instant results," says Jason Au, Clarins regional trainer, Asia training division. "Clarins Skin Renew Whitening Program is designed for Asian women concerned with skin luminosity. It helps the skin recover, boosts collagen production, and brightens the skin."

Usually, whitening treatments entail many steps. However, whitening the Clarins way makes use of just two key products for sheer radiance.

"When the skin is relaxed, products will absorb quicker and penetrate deeply into the skin," Au explains. Skin Renew Concentrate is the first step to skin renewal since it relaxes the skin and "rebalances all cellular functions and reduces pigmentation disorders linked to stress." Dig this, when the skin’s nerve endings are weak, you will have a very dull, damaged complexion. So, this product makes sure that skin becomes relaxed to stimulate cell renewal. Skin Renew Concentrate also controls pigmentation disorders so dark spots will disappear. Your complexion will be brighter, smoother, and firmer.

The next thing the skin needs is extra brightness for a long-lasting, beautiful, radiant appearance. Packed with hydrophilic and lipophilic vitamin C, the Whitening Concentrate blocks the production of melanin and boosts collagen production. "The Whitening Concentrate has two kinds of vitamin C to target different parts of the skin. The epidermal layer and sweat glands will absorb the water-soluble part of vitamin C. The oil part will penetrate deeper under the hair follicles," explains Au. The great thing about this product is that it exfoliates dead skin cells, encourages blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and detoxifies pores. Notice that your skin will be brighter and radiate with a pink glow.

Clarins developed the outer lifting method or the beauty flash break in applying its products. Use three full pumps of the Skin Renew Concentrate and warm up the product in the palms of your hands. Gently press and roll on the face. Leave for 30 seconds and wait for it to be absorbed. Then, take seven pumps of the Whitening Concentrate and do the same thing. Leave on all night and wake up to renewed skin.

"Women have their idiosyncrasies about skincare regimens," concludes Au. "You need to treat the face like a precious jewel because it is a way of pampering yourself." Use Skin Renew Whitening Program luxuriously like a skin-spa at home. With high-quality ingredients, the two key products are designed to go underneath the skin immediately and produce quick results – bright and beautiful skin, indeed.

Clarins White Plus Skin Renew Whitening Program is now available at all Clarins counters at Rustan’s Makati, Shangri-La, Alabang Town Center, Gateway Mall, Ayala Center in Cebu and Essenses, Robinsons Place, Manila.
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