

Filipina crowned Miss Top of the World Plus Size 2017

Rosette Adel - Philstar.com
Filipina crowned Miss Top of the World Plus Size 2017

Thirty-five-year-old Cebuana Jodel Mesina is the new Miss Top of the World Plus Size. Mrs/Miss Top of the Wold Plus Size 2017/Facebook

MANILA, Philippines —Another Filipina beauty gave pride to the country as Philippines’ bet to the Miss Top of the World Plus Size 2017 bagged the title in Singapore on Monday.

Thirty-five-year-old Cebuana, Jodel Mesina bested out 15 other candidates from other countries in the international pageant.

The Miss and Mrs. Top of the World pageant for plus-sized beauties was organized by Kristine Lindenblate in 2013. The competition sought “personal development of the candidates and helps everybody remember beauty and promote charity within the framework of the beauty pageant.”

Mesina was seconded by Singapore bet Priscilla Boh Rui Yee who was named 1st runner-up, followed by Latvia’s Viktorija Brovuna at the 2ndrunner-up spot and Thailand’s Phanpapon Paopan who was crowned 3rd runner-up
On the other hand, Myanmar’s Sandy Min Aung bagged the choice of people award while Surinam’s Illanga Bel was named the pageant’s beauty queen.

Mesina wishes to empower more women after her win.

"I'd like to thank all the beautiful plus size queens from all over the world who made this journey extra wonderful. I am sharing to you my crown... Let us continue to empower, inspire and help every women to pursuit their dreams and make it come true like everyone of us did... And thank you lovely foundress Krist?ne Lindenblate. I love you all!!!" Mesina wrote on her Facebook account.

Mesina arrived in her hometown in Cebu on Tuesday morning. 

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