

Kuh Ledesma on being single parent, music mentor to daughter Isabella

Jerry Donato - The Philippine Star
Kuh Ledesma on being single parent, music mentor to daughter Isabella
The single mom Kuh Ledesma on parenting: ‘We (parents) sometimes believe we can shorten (our children’s) path to success if they would only listen to our advice. What I’ve learned in the process is to listen more than speak and to respect their opinions, their ideas, and suggestions with much gentleness and humility.’

MANILA, Philippines — “It’s really a joy to have a child.”

That was Kuh Ledesma sharing her thoughts on the joys and challenges of raising a child in a recent brief e-mail interview with The STAR.

“I have always wanted children, but God blessed me with just one. Though having just one child might seem easier, raising a child with many talents can be particularly demanding. My daughter Isabella displayed her gift for singing even as a toddler, and she also excels in the arts and songwriting. Ang dami pa nyang talents.”

Kuh and Isabella’s love for music, encompassing singing and performing, will be showcased again in the post-Mother’s Day Tribute concert titled “I Love You Mom” tonight at 8 at the Hacienda Isabella in Indang Cavite. According to the team of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) icon, the show’s repertoire is a mix of pop and jazz standards with themes that “pay tribute to mothers and the special bond that they have with their children.” Dinner is at 6.

“One of the frustrations as a parent is that our children often have their own ideas and want to do things their way,” said Kuh. “As parents, we sometimes believe we can shorten their path to success if they would only listen to our advice. What I’ve learned in the process is to listen more than speak and to respect their opinions, their ideas, and suggestions with much gentleness and humility.”

“Just because we are parents, it doesn’t mean that we have the right to control their destiny. Their destiny depends on God’s plan, which we know can be trusted. And our responsibility, then as a Christian, is to pray to God to keep them on the right path,” continued she.

Kuh, a single parent, said that it’s now the responsibility of parents to surrender their children to the Lord and seek His guidance. Parents should pray for wisdom to direct the children’s ideas and desires according to His plans and help them understand their calling in life.

“(It’s) so important to teach them through our stories from our experiences, the good and not so good, because no matter what, our children will still see the wisdom in it,” said Kuh. “Even stories of our failures as parents are valuable lessons they must hear. It teaches them humility, and they’ll understand that nobody is perfect and God allows us to make mistakes to show our flaws. This is where we realize we need God in everything we do, and so we learn to pray.”

For Kuh and Isabella, music nurtures their mother-and-daughter relationship.

“(It) plays a significant role in nurturing the bond between my daughter Isabella and me,” said the country’s Pop Diva. “We cherish moments spent together listening to songs, discovering new songs that we can do for our next show or concept (show). We love listening to old songs we can joyfully sing along to. Whether it’s just lazily listening on the couch or dancing around to upbeat tunes, music creates a unique connection between us.”

Asked how the mother and daughter usually celebrate Mother’s Day, Kuh answered, “Even if we do regular activities like eating out, going to the movies, or shopping, Mother’s Day is always special for Isabella and me. Given our busy schedules, simply spending time together, doing these ordinary things, feels like a special treat. We cherish our time together, especially when we do things that strengthen our bond. We love watching inspirational talks and praying together, which adds a deeper meaning to our day. These moments of connection and shared experiences make Mother’s Day truly memorable and meaningful for us.”

This Saturday evening, Kuh and Isabella will share the center stage to narrate a parent’s love for a child and a child’s love for a parent through songs.

(For details, call 0960-8850288 and 09202868895.)

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