

On Episode 1: Jessy in a Lotus position

Kap Maceda Aguila - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines – Serendipity makes all sorts of things happen. It is the unseen hand that makes you more firmly believe in a higher power helping realize even the most unlikely of goals and ambitions. Excuse the melodrama, but that’s how I felt about even daring to feature one of most in-demand actresses in local show business.

To be honest, a four-month break from Wheels TV (now simply called Wheels) had seemingly whizzed past like a sports car on steroids. Still, be before we went to air for our third run, we used the protracted moment of latitude to plan for and shoot our segments.

Along with star power, I wanted my inaugural segment to have a quixotic exotic – just because. Lotus Cars Manila provided that opportunity, via an absolutely luscious Exige S coupe. I also said I needed to be able to drive the car along with said star – just because. Sure that would be fine as well.

With that arranged, I waited, followed up, and waited some more. Then it was a yes. She said yes. Calendar girl, actress, and not-your-average pretty face Jessy Mendiola God bless her, would be appearing on Wheels, confirmed her handler.

If you have a chance to do so, please check out Wheels tomorrow night. If it’s movie night, kindly postpone it for another day. The popcorn can wait, or you could microwave a tub of those kernels at home. If the missus wants to go out, by all means take her out, but be back before the stroke of 10:30, okay? We’d really appreciate it.

Basically, my segment is made of stuff that the 20-year-old version of would not believe could happen in real life. Beautiful girl in a beautiful set of wheels – and I get to drive. That’s stuff you only read about in bad, clichéd rags. But let me tell you, when you actually see it in front of you, nothing is quite as compelling that it will leave you speechless. I knew it the moment I was flubbing my intro lines and Jessy was giggling at me. I did see that coming, you know.

But the segment is pretty straightforward as the idea. Would the pretty girl go for the hot car? Would Jessy even be impressed by a Lotus? Would I find the composure to talk to her while driving a multi-million-peso car that’s not mine?

What’s the takeaway? In the end, determination and patience really do pay off. Even for people without the bags of cash, there’s always hope in, well, hoping.

Now let’s go microwave that popcorn. I think I hear the intro.






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