

Napocor, HDF Energy ink deal to explore hydrogen technology in off-grid areas

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — The National Power Corp. (Napocor) has signed a memorandum of understanding with HDF Energy Philippines Holdings Inc., the local unit of leading hydrogen power plant developer HDF Energy, to explore opportunities to integrate hydrogen technology as source of stable and clean power in missionary areas in the Philippines.

The MoU signing is one of the highlights of the 10th Philippine – France Joint Economic Committee (JEC) meeting which aims to strengthen Philippine and French economic collaboration on energy, agriculture, science and technology, and security, among others.

The MOU aims to explore areas of cooperation to address the energy needs of off-grid communities that are heavily dependent on diesel-powered plants through the use of innovative energy solutions that are reliable, resilient, competitive and carbon-free.

This cooperation will explore the feasibility of HDF’s Renewstable® multi-megawatt power plants as a means of producing stable, continuous and green power to off-grid areas.

They combine an intermittent renewable source (solar or wind) and mass long-term storage of energy through a hydrogen chain to produce stable electricity.

Renewstable® is the green alternative to a classic diesel fuel power plant as it only uses solar or wind energy and water to produce electricity, thus avoiding greenhouse emissions and noise pollution.

Renewstable®’s unique feature is its ability to serve baseload power which is powered thoroughly by renewable energy.

In addition, HDF’s team is composed of experts in hydrogen infrastructures with 10 years of hands-on technical experience throughout the complete hydrogen value chain.

As a global pioneer in hydrogen for mass energy generation, HDF Energy sees the pivotal role of its Renewstable® energy solutions due to its flexibility and island mode configuration and operations that can perfectly respond to the energy demands of the areas served by Napocor’s Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG).

Through the MOU, Napocor and HDF will collaborate in the conduct of studies, research and development, information exchange, and technical assistance to promote the establishment of Renewstable® projects in off-grid areas.

This will include joint coordination with the national government agencies, local government units, electric cooperatives, the academe and commercial off-takers where new sources of energy is most needed.

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