
Business As Usual

OHH media in airports: Keeping up with public interest


MANILA, Philippines - The progression towards a digital age challenges advertisers to innovate with their strategies in marketing products and services. Alongside varying trends that suddenly pop out on the mainstream, people also alter their tastes to meet the current means of approaching what media has to offer.

Now, it is not just enough that consumers are reached only through traditional media, of which television, radio and print belongs. Filipino consumers are willing to go out more often, content with the aid of technology to connect them to people anywhere they are. And it is with how advertisements go with the flow of this fleeting nature of everyday life that out-of-(OOH) home media emerges and creativity and the ability to engage consumers to the ad itself is put to test.

Out-of-home (OOH) media encompasses advertisements that reach its audience who are outside their homes, on the go and within the vicinity of public places. OOH ads take the form of roadside billboards, mural displays, floor stickers, street banners and so much more. They are installed and strategically placed in specific points, and continue to appear to consumers 24/7. OOH media is confronted by Filipino consumers at major convergence points like malls, roads, and predominantly, airports.

Here in the Philippines, there is only one company authorized to handle OOH ad opportunities in all NAIA airports, and that is Digichive. The company also offers an alternative media advertising in all Makati streets and carparks.

“Over-all airport advertising is more than creativity, it is being responsible.” said Rey Inobaya, country manager of Kinetic Worldwide, a company that plans and buys domestic OOH campaigns across all OOH formats and partners with Digichive.

Thus the creative process that has to be done in conceptualizing these ads must put the public’s interest into consideration. In addition, advertisers must be responsible enough to do self-regulation, to ensure that they stick to ethical standards even if profits are at stake. With creativity comes a necessity for the agencies to owe up to the impact made by their ads towards the consumers. This sense of responsible involvement paired with a good output is in part, an agency’s chance to give back to the people who have put them to where their business status is.

“The sheer number of OOH media might be a source of confusion for some and a few people do wonder if they actually “work” in terms of getting across a good advertising message. In a word, the answer is, yes, they can work. And have the potential to work very well - under right circumstances,” said April Yap, deputy director of GroupM.

Digichive, being the one privileged to handle such business here in the Philippines has its principles in line with the characteristics mentioned earlier.

“Digichive’s sense of responsibility and creativity has allowed our clients to reach their target audience effectively,” said Inobaya.

And in partnering with them, the best of airport OOH advertisements have been created here in the Philippines and are still continuing to serve their purpose, all the while including public interest in the decision making.

To know more about airport advertising opportunities, you can contact Digichive Philippines at 584-0753.

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