

Sharing a good laugh with Jon Santos

Dot Ramos Balasbas-Gancayco - The Philippine Star

It was a steep challenge to finally have him all to myself. As early as May this year when my Naga City friends informed me about how the Bicolanos went gaga over his show, begging for him to return soon, I had been trying to have a one-on-one. In July, after seeing him standout among the best of the best in the UP Centennial Concert, I understood the reason for all the fuss. He is a great actor, can command attention and has perfect comedic timing. A set encounter was cancelled because he had to rush to his beloved ailing grandmother’s bedside in the hospital (and this was way long before Obama visited his sick grandma); then, he was fixing a simple nest in Palm Springs; and before I knew it, he was tying the knot, with his partner West in Canada. At the Dome, in The Podium, I knew it was all worth the wait and three hours with this highly interesting comedian was simply not enough.

The Filipinos have enjoyed 20 years of laughter with Jon Santos. We have been impressed and rib-tickled by his impersonations of former First Lady Imelda Marcos, former President Ramos, former President Estrada, former President Aquino, Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago and so many others. Shy about his personal life, he would rather talk about the different characters he portrays on stage. (My assistant Gail and I so enjoyed a free show as he transformed himself from one character to another; I now understand fully how it is to be talking with a schizophrenic personality, in a free-flowing script that only an extremely intelligent person can do.) He is ecstatic about his ongoing show, Da Spooftacular Showdown, together with John “Sweet” Lapus and good friend Candy Pangilinan, which Jon declares to be so much fun especially with a different guest each night from among a pool of the most talented comedians in the country today (Pooh, Chokoleit, Pokwang, Vice Ganda, Kaye Brosas and Maureen Larrazabal), all Friday and Saturday nights of November until the first weekend of December.

A UP graduate of Economics who was already about to become a UP Economics professor, Jon does not regret turning his back on teaching for so many reasons, one of which is his gaining loyal and true friends in showbiz. He is forever in deep gratitude to all the distinguished comedians who helped him out through his entire career. He recalls with a smile how Tessie Tomas jumpstarted his entry into showbiz by guesting him in her shows. (He was discovered by Tessie Tomas when, after a speaking engagement in UP, Tessie was approached by Jon for an autograph and his classmates “forced” him to imitate Tessie Tomas right in front of the comedienne.) “Tessie could just have left me where I was but no,” Jon distinctly remembers. “She talked to me seriously and encouraged me to join the professional comedy scene.” Other comedy icons like Willie Nep, Mitch Valdez and Nanette Inventor welcomed him with open arms. “They did not only share their craft with me but also their valuable friendship,” Jon discloses. “These comic greats never thought twice about helping me.” Even as he was starting out, they gave him access to their wardrobe (especially Nanette because they have the same size according to Jon, hahaha), stylists, directors and even their critical judgment on titles and scripts for his shows. Jon is eagerly looking forward to his next collaboration with Willie on stage as the year 2010 and the national elections fast approach when political satire will again become the favorite national pastime. 

Another valuable friend Jon holds in high regard is Ate Vi, a staple character in his shows (who will never be just kept in the closet) for the reason that she is very active in politics and the entertainment world as well. “The handkerchief of Vilma Santos is one prop I believe that I will never give up,” Jon declares with a promise. “Ate Vi has never left the limelight and what is so nice is that I have even had the chance of working with her on stage several times.” Still, Jon admits that it is those times when he sees Ate Vi in the audience to support him that means the most to him. As Vilma would tell him in jest, “Huwag lang malito si Ralph!”

Da Spooftacular Showdown, Jon announces with pride, introduces Kim Idol, “the new kid on the (comedy) block,” who holds a special place in his heart as one of his new writing buddies. Jon is helping Kim in every way he can in the same way that Tessie gave him the friendly push and advice.

With his admission that he would not be where he is right now were it not for his dear friends in showbiz, Jon will never hesitate to give a hand to those who are still starting out. “I am truly humbled as to how my fate came to be — an annoying fan who was given a break by a well-known comedienne and the great imitator of Ate Vi who now makes fans out of the Governor’s constituents. I do realize the importance of sharing with young comedians. There are those who are so talented and just waiting for the right opportunity. I would like to build friendships with them just like how these showbiz greats did to me,” Jon shares. Indeed, Jon Santos is one person who values true, loyal, and lasting friendships.     

(E-mail me at [email protected] or text 0927-5000833. Help build houses for the poor through the Gawad Kalinga by calling 718-1738 to 41 or text 0917-5239777.)

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