
Freeman Cebu Sports

Losing then gaining

FEEL THE GAME - Bobby Motus - The Freeman

Some of us older adults have issues with our weight and several struggle with the battle of the bulge.  Keeping a few pounds off lessens our risk of the quadruple trouble of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and cardiovascular problems.  To note, a good percentage of adults are affected with weight issues and it increases the chances of the mentioned quartet of affliction.

In the American Heart Association’s 2023 Statistical Update, 2.4 million deaths globally were attributed to obesity.

By doing some lifestyle changes such as shifting to healthy foods and doing regular physical activities, we can lose and maintain a healthy weight. 

I speak for myself.  I had a high of 212 pounds and since my mother was diabetic, I was naturally predisposed to the disease.  Hypertension and high cholesterol came as an added bonus.

Yes, I changed course and with our second home as the epicenter of the pandemic and at its peak, unbelievably, I was down to 155 pounds.  Going home after three years and with all the missed Filipino food, there’s no where to go but expand.

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