

Thoughts on leadership

- Francis J. Kong - The Philippine Star

On my two-day Level Up Leadership seminars, I would ask a serious question that brings both laughter as well as a lot of frowns. I would ask: “How many among you in your past employment experience have been demeaned, offended, insulted, made to feel insignificant by a former boss of yours who behaved more like a jerk than an inspiring leader he or she was supposed to be?”

I would have about 35 percent of the hands in the room shooting up. This brings in a lot of laughter but while others would frown as they recreate their memories of their horrible past experiences. The sad realization is that a lot of people with leadership titles today still do not know how to lead correctly and bring out the best of their own people.

Good and great leadership is not about titles and positions alone. It’s not bossing one’s ways around or bullying people who are a little lower in the organizational food chain.

Being a leader carries the responsibility to teach and support his or her people, to act as a role model and to be ready to serve as well as lead, which has very little difference in between.

Here are the expectations placed upon real leaders who know what they do and do it well:

1. Leaders are competent and confident. People abhor leaders who act competent but are not. They do not delegate tasks, instead, they dump tasks and rather than taking the initiative to learn, incompetent leaders rely on their titles and positions to get their people to do the work they should be doing, yet claim credit for the work done by others. And because they are not competent, they lack the confidence and use their super inflated ego to mask their weaknesses in terms of skills and knowledge.

2. Leaders are transparent, trustworthy and people of integrity.

Where there is no trust, there is no leadership. It is as simple as it is. Everybody does his or her own thing not for the greater cause but for self-preservation and propagation for self-interest. Today’s business environment requires crucial teamwork and every person in the organization must be able to be trusted by owners, co-workers and customers.The leader’s vulnerability builds trust. The leader’s willingness to admit mistakes and correct them, give credit where credit’s due and consistently do what they say and say what they do. Good leaders do not sell out their people. They can be counted on to do what is fair and right. It’s as simple as that.

3. Leaders do not compromise on excellence.
Shoddy and sloppy work is not acceptable to good leaders. They wage war and battle mediocrity every day of their lives. They stay focused on their goals. They are always on the search for improvement. They strive to learn more about their work and they constantly improve themselves. Excellence is integrated into everything they do. They set high standards for their people and develop them so they can improve.

4. Leaders inspire people and make them feel valued and important.

Inspiration comes when leaders acknowledge good performance and hard work but here is the rub, they never reward or compliment their people unless they see their performances meet standards. Leaders value their people’s worth and opinion and allow them to express ideas and contribute to the growth of the business.

5. Leaders are relationship builders because they serve.
A strong and healthy business organization is comprised of leaders who are excited to serve and not constantly expecting to be served. Organizations need people who are willing to help each other, not whine and complain saying, “That’s not my job” or “I’ve been working so hard but they don’t appreciate me…”

The future requires people being able to learn new skills outside their area of expertise and good leaders constantly develop themselves and train their people so they can stand relevant and productive.

Good leaders do not look at their job as mere transactional, but serve and get into the business of being relational. They have good business relationships; relationships that are based on trust and respect. Good leaders cultivate winning relationships not only with their people but also with their clients and customers. Relationships do matter.

Some people find leadership naturally easy while others need to work on their skills. Good leaders communicate effectively and are unafraid to face unpleasant news. They know that part of effective leadership is to put out fire and build fire and passion in their people to become better. This is done through effective communications and good leaders are good communicators.

There are many other qualities and attributes for good leadership the space provided here simply could not contain. Being a good leader is 24/7 and as I say in my seminars, leadership skills are life skills. Grow the leaders and you grow your business.

Leadership is not a title. And neither is it an entitlement. Leadership is not a right, it is a responsibility. We all need to handle it well.

(Send your leaders. Bring your key people. Attend and experience two inspiring days with Francis Kong learning leadership and life skills in his widely acclaimed Level Up Leadership May 25-26 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. For further inquiries contact Inspire at 09158055910 or call 632-6310912 or 6310660 for details.)

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