

Essence of Olympic solidarity

SPORTING CHANCE - Joaquin M. Henson - The Philippine Star

LONDONThere is growing concern that the Paris Olympics may be tainted by disunity, terrorism and social unrest as malevolents could exploit a global platform to propagate their ends at the expense of sports. Its a reality in todays world to address issues that may lead to serious safety problems. No doubt, IOC and Paris organizers are making sure no untoward incidents will ruin the conduct of the Games.

In Olympic history, the Games went on despite troubled waters except during World War I (cancelled in 1916) and World War II (cancelled in 1940 and 1944). The Black September attack failed to halt the 1972 Munich Olympics, the US-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics couldnt derail the staging of the event, the Eastern Bloc boycott of the 1984 LA Olympics didnt dampen the spirit of the Games and the North Korean boycott with five socialist countries hardly made a dent on the impact of the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

IOC president Thomas Bach is hoping the Paris Games will bring the Olympics back to center stage in global sports with the prospect of making up for the economic losses sustained in the COVID-plagued Tokyo conclave. Hes on his last year of a second four-year term as IOC president. Under IOC rules, an extension for another term is possible.

Isolating politics from the Olympics is next to impossible particularly as the Olympic movement is about peace, harmony and solidarity. So when a country goes against the grain of Olympic tenets, there is a consequential sanction. Russias invasion of Ukraine, for instance, was censured by IOC and as a result, the Russian flag wont be flown in Paris and Russian athletes who subscribe to Vladimir Putins expansionist policy were expelled. A few Russian athletes will be allowed to participate as neutrals for as long as they arent affiliated with Putins military or arent supporters of the invasion. The war between Palestine and Israel has also been cited by IOC. Bach said he has been “even-handedin dealing with Israeli and Palestinian athletes, not shutting the door on both sides as the situation is “completely differentfrom Russia.

Sports is a unifying element in the world. The Olympics are not only a showcase of athletic excellence but also a gathering of peace-loving people of all races. Global unity is a dream that can only come true if there is mutual respect among countries regardless of their status in wealth, resources or technology. IOC cant be blamed for sanctioning nations that dont adhere to the Olympic spirit. The essence of the Games must be preserved. Let sports speak the language of universal peace.

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