

‘Israel right to self-defense non-negotiable’

Pia Lee-Brago - The Philippine Star
�Israel right to self-defense non-negotiable�
Residents inspect the damage to their building in the southern city of Ashkelon on October 9, 2023, after it was hit during the night by a rocket from the Gaza Strip.
AFP / Menahem Kahana

MANILA, Philippines — The Israel embassy yesterday defended its country against people and groups criticizing the Jewish state for launching attacks in Gaza.

“The right of Israel to defend itself and its citizens against acts of terror is unequivocal and non-negotiable,” Israel’s Ambassador Ilan Fluss said.

Fluss made the statement in response to pro-Palestine rallies, saying “Hamas is ISIS” that should be designated as a terror organization by the international community.

“Israel has the right to defend itself on a war imposed on us by the Hamas on Oct. 7,” Fluss said.

“Every sovereign nation has the inherent duty to protect its citizens, and Israel is no exception. Any attempts to undermine this right are an affront to the principles of self-defense and national security,” he added.

Fluss described as misconceptions and false information that Israel is occupying Gaza, saying the war is with the terrorist organization Hamas, not the Palestinian people.

“Israel is not occupying Gaza and has no plans of occupying Gaza. Unfortunately Hamas is the government of Gaza,” he said.

Fluss said Hamas has repeatedly demonstrated its disregard for human rights, is using its citizens as human shields and has been responsible for countless acts of violence against innocent civilians, including Filipinos.

“The international community must take decisive action against Hamas, designate it as a terror organization to disrupt its funding, which comes primarily from Iran,” Fluss said.

This developed as militant groups yesterday condemned what it called an ongoing genocide perpetrated by the Israeli government against the people of Palestine.

Members of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan, Kilusang Mayo Uno, Anakbyan, Karapatan, Alliance of Concerned Teachers, Gabriela and other groups held a protest in front of the Israel embassy in Taguig, according to the Southern Police District.

The protest was attended by ACT-Teachers party-list Rep. Franz Castro, Bayan secretary-general Renato Reyes and labor leader Leody de Guzman. — Daphne Galvez, Mark Ernest Villeza, Mayen Jaymalin

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