

Valor of Pinoy defenders hailed

Helen Flores - The Philippine Star
Valor of Pinoy defenders hailed
In this photo release dated Jan. 24, 2022, Vice President Leni Robredo visited Zamboanga City and graced the opening of the volunteer center in the area.
Facebook / VP Leni Robredo

MANILA, Philippines — Vice President Leni Robredo hailed the valor and heroism of Filipinos who fought the Japanese invaders in World War II and said she wished to see “the truth of history guide the path of our country.”

“We remember and pay tribute to Filipinos who showed courage in times of crisis – those who faced greater opponents were forced to lay down their firearms but never gave up hope that despite the darkness, there remained a glimmer of hope. We just need to work hard and believe,” she said in her Araw ng Kagitingan message.

Robredo, who is running for president, said Filipinos should defend historical truth with as much zeal as defending the country from foreign invaders.

Presidential Communications Secretary and acting presidential spokesman Martin Andanar called on Filipinos to reflect on the heroism and sacrifices of their forebears and use them as inspiration in dealing with present day challenges.

“Let us be inspired by the valor, heroism and patriotism of our soldiers who fought during the 1942 Battle of Bataan for the freedom and liberties we enjoy today,” Andanar said in a statement.

As Filipinos adapt to the so-called new normal brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, he said the “selflessness, hard work and commitment” of present-day heroes, including medical and health care professionals, should be emulated.

“May the sacrifices of our patriotic veterans and our modern-day heroes continue to ignite within us the desire to contribute towards nation-building for our continuous recovery from the impacts generated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra represented President Duterte as guest of honor and speaker in the 80th commemoration of Araw ng Kagitingan or Day of Valor at the Dambana ng Kagitingan on Mt. Samat in Pilar, Bataan.

Guevarra, Japanese Ambassador Koshikawa Kazuhiko and US Charge d’Affaires Heather Variava laid wreaths at the Shrine of Valor. Bataan Gov. Albert Garcia was also at the Araw ng Kagitingan rites.

In a statement, Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairman Karlo Nograles called on civil servants to draw inspiration from the lives and sacrifices of Filipino fighting men and women in World War II.

“Our fallen heroes, those who fought and died for our country’s freedom and liberty, remind us of the values that are at the very core of our sworn duty as civil servants. May we be inspired by their selfless acts, by their conscious decision to put country before self,” Nograles said.

“May this inspiration reignite our dedication to faithfully serve the public and band us together toward a common objective – to steer the country during this crucial period of transition toward recovery and normalcy,” he said.

The CSC chief also praised frontliners in government, calling them modern-day heroes in the fight against COVID-19. “Being the former co-chairperson of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases, I was able to witness firsthand the valor of our government workers, especially frontliners, as they continued to deliver services despite the threats to their life posed by the COVID-19 virus,” said Nograles.

He also appealed for greater support for civil servants involved in the nation’s resilience and recovery efforts.

“The conversation is now changing as we see fewer COVID-19 cases and improved conditions. As we talk about recovery, I hope government agencies can also take a look at support mechanisms, learning and development interventions and other ways as to how we can better equip civil servants to effectively deliver critical programs and policies and prepare the bureaucracy for future challenges,” he added.

The Czech embassy paid tribute to its nationals who volunteered to defend the Philippines from Japanese forces.

“Czechoslovak defenders of Bataan are unique, though unknown. Since they were nationals of Czechoslovakia, which at that time was under Nazi protectorate, the Japanese forces had guaranteed their safety. Nonetheless, they still chose to offer their service and therefore, were considered as the only nationals to serve in the US Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) from countries occupied by the Nazi forces,” it said.

The embassy cited the testimony of Karel Aster, one of the Czech defenders of Bataan who said: “Fighting for the Philippines at that time was like fighting for the liberty of Czechoslovakia.” He died in 2019.

“This period in the history of the Czech Republic and the Philippines leaves an indelible mark on Czech-Philippine relations. The courageous decision to fight for the liberty of a country that was not their own was captured not only in the shrine dedicated to them in Capas, Tarlac but also in the headstones and walls of the missing at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial,” the embassy noted.

Part of the commemoration yesterday was the release of a commemorative stamp by the Philippine Postal Corp. in partnership with the Philippine Amusement Gaming Corp.

On Friday, the Philippine Veterans Bank in coordination with the Philippine Veterans affairs Office, National Commission for Culture and the Arts and the provincial government launched an exhibit at the ground floor of The Bunker, which now serves as seat of the provincial government.

The exhibit is titled “Bataan Cannot Fall: Hope and Humanity during WWII.”

“Featured in the exhibit are instruments and uniforms that should remind us of the sacrifices of our ancestors during the Second World War. As you can see, the design of the bunker was inspired by the valor and heroism of our forebears who fought invaders and offered their lives or the freedom we now enjoy,” Garcia said.

Brig. Gen. Matthew Baccay, Police Regional Office-3 (PRO3) director, said 1,000 policemen were deployed around the site of the Araw ng Kagitingan rites. They were under the direct command of Col. Romell Velasco, Bataan Police Provincial Director. –  Ric Sapnu, Rhodina Villanueva, Ramon Efren Lazaro

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