

Lodging house damaged by quake collapses

Ben Serrano - The Philippine Star

SURIGAO CITY, Philippines – A portion of a lodging house damaged by the powerful Feb. 10 earthquake collapsed yesterday, but its occupants refused to come out, officials said.

The second floor of the Cuizon Lodge in Barangay Taft of this city reportedly gave way, threatening the occupants living below.

Barangay chairman Pablo Bonono Jr. said two relatives of the owners of the lodging house had refused to vacate even after they were warned of the danger that the entire building might soon collapse.

Bonono said the Cuizon family, who converted their former residence into a lodging house, had argued the building is still safe to live in.

Bonono said he was forced to call on city officials to convince the occupants to vacate the building.

City officials and engineers came to the scene to survey the area. They were of the same opinion that the damage could affect the ground floor.

The owner’s brother, however, insisted that they wanted power to be restored so that they could retrieve their belongings inside the building.

Officials denied the request, pointing out the possibility of an explosion or fire if power is restored in the building. They declared the lodging house a condemned building.

The Surigao del Norte Electric Cooperative cut the power supply to the lodging house and surrounding areas on the possibility that the inn could collapse.

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