

Comelec bans giveaways from Pacquiao

Jess Diaz - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has prohibited boxing champion and Sarangani Rep. Manny Pacquiao from handing out giveaways during his victory motorcades, Buhay party-list Rep. Lito Atienza said yesterday.

Atienza, a close friend of the boxer, said he learned of the prohibition from Pacquiao’s staff during the welcome breakfast held for him on Thursday, when he returned from Las Vegas, Nevada where he beat American Timothy Bradley in a rematch.

“He is not allowed to give away t-shirts, candies, anything, much less money, even if this is just balato from his winnings, supposedly because he is a senatorial candidate,” he said.

This is the reason Pacquiao did not give away t-shirts during his motorcade in Metro Manila on Thursday morning, he added.

Pacquiao will hold another motorcade when he returns to Sarangani.

Atienza said he could not understand the prohibition.

“If he is disallowed from handing out t-shirts, candies and other small things because he is running for senator, then this should apply to all candidates – from president down to municipal councilor. It is unfair that Manny is the only one covered,” Atienza pointed out.

He said television footage show that all presidential and vice presidential candidates are throwing t-shirts during their campaign sorties.

He added that the prohibition on Pacquiao might have been prompted by the complaint of former Akbayan representative Walden Bello about the April 9 fight with Bradley.

Bello, who is eyeing a Senate seat like Pacquiao, had asked the Comelec to look into whether the publicity that the fight would generate for the Sarangani lawmaker would give him undue advantage over his senatorial rivals.

He said for him, it is an undue advantage, which the Fair Elections Law prohibits.

The Comelec dismissed Bello’s complaint, saying there was no actual controversy to be resolved since the boxing rematch had not yet taken place then.

Last Monday, Bello said since the fight had taken place, he would file a case for violation of the Fair Elections Law against Pacquiao.   

“In fairness to everybody, we will file the case with the Comelec law department in the next few days. We are now drafting the complaint,” he said.

He maintained Pacquiao’s fight with Bradley generated so much publicity for the Sarangani lawmaker that resulted in “undue advantage” over his senatorial rivals.

“The law prohibits that. The law requires high-profile personalities like Manny Pacquiao to take a leave from their professions or vocations during the campaign period to level the playing field among candidates,” Bello said.

This is the reason why showbiz and media personalities who are candidates like Sen. Vicente Sotto, one of the hosts of noontime show “Eat Bulaga,” have been absent from their programs or shows since the campaign started, Bello said.

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