

Binay says TG's release of 'pork scam' report premature

Christina Mendez - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - Senator Nancy Binay on Wednesday questioned the move of the Senate Blue Ribbon committee to release a “premature” report about its inquiry into the P10-billion Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam.

Binay said the report is premature since it is based on incomplete and inconclusive data.

Binay, a member of the Senate minority group, has abstained from signing the report which supported moves to file plunder charges against Senate minority leader Juan Ponce Enrile and Senators Jinggoy Estrada and Ramon Bong Revilla Jr.

In a letter to the Blue Ribbon Committee dated May 12, Binay pointed out that the draft report only concentrated on the transfer of PDAF to eight non-government organizations (NGOs) that were linked to Janet Lim-Napoles.

Binay reiterated that the Committee should also look into the numerous conflicting statements, positions, and claims that the resource persons stated during the Senate hearings. The committee also noted these consistencies in its draft report.

"I would like to believe that the Honorable Chairman was motivated by good intentions in acting with expedience in coming up with a final report,” Binay said.

Given the serious allegations and counter-allegations of the parties involved in the controversy, Binay said she finds it more imperative for the committee and for each of its members to act in a more judicious and comprehensive manner by obtaining and reviewing pertinent government records.

She also pushed for the need to expanding the coverage of the inquiry to include not only three senators, but all persons identified in the COA Special Audit Report.

With the alleged "Napoles List" already summoned by the committee, Binay said it should also look into these new developments.

"The report, as it is, is incomplete and far from comprehensive. It did not cover all bases in its probe of the pork-barrel scam before making any recommendation. Also, the so-called 'Napoles list' implicating more senators underscores the incompleteness of the report and the need to reopen the probe," she said.

Binay said she appreciates the initiative of the committee and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in submitting a validation report. However, she pointed out that the document submitted is not responsive to her previous requests.

Not even a single piece of the documents she requested since September 2013 was produced or presented, she said.

Binay has asked for documents pertaining to P69.261 billion released to the Department of Public Works and Highways ROs and DEOs for the VILP for CY 2007 to 2009 which could not be accounted to a specific legislator; documents pertaining to P1.126 billion released for PDAF which could not be accounted to a specific legislator; documents pertaining to P6.5 million released from Other Sources such as Financial Assistance (FA) to Local Government Units and Budgetary Support to Government Owned and Controlled Corporations; and a complete summary of schedule of releases from PDAF per legislator and Implementing Agencies for CY 2007 to CY 2009.

To date, these requested documents have not been supplied by the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee and the DBM.

During the onset of the Senate probe, Binay filed Senate Resolution No. 254 which seeks to expand the PDAF scam inquiry and include the release of public funds by all national government agencies, local government units, government-owned or controlled corporations to NGOs.

“Transparency, impartiality, fair play and the search for truth call for a comprehensive inquiry to dispel any accusation or notion of favoritism and discrimination particularly in view of the recent developments,” Binay added.

"I reiterate, however, my position that proper utilization of government funds is sacrosanct and must never be treated lightly. Clear procedures in the utilization of government funds should be established and strictly adhered to not just by the members of the legislature but all public officers and employees," she said in her letter.

Senators Cynthia Villar, and siblings Alan and Pia Cayetano signed the report last Monday, bringing to 13 the total number of senators approving the report.

Villar was the 11th senator to sign, saying she is supportive of moves to reform the Senate as an institution.

“I support the institution of reforms to promote transparency in government transactions toward a graft-free government. I defer the judgement on innocence or guilt of my fellow colleagues to the judiciary,” Villar said.

Those who signed include Sen. Sergio Osmena III, vice chairman of the Senate Blue Ribbon committee;  Senators Chiz Escudero, Antonio Trillanes IV, Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Grace Poe, Koko Pimentel, Loren Legarda, Bam Aquino and Juan Victor Ejercito.

Blue Ribbon chairman Sen. Teofisto Guingona has not read out the report before plenary for approval as of this posting.

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