

Rody to media: You take out my predicate

The Philippine Star

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – President-elect Rodrigo Duterte continues to shut media out barely a week before he assumes office as the country’s 16th president on June 30. 

“Remember again because itong press, media are up to slant ang imong diretsong isulti ila nang i-slant (What you would say straight, the media would put a slant to it),” Duterte said during turnover ceremonies yesterday afternoon at the Davao City police office.

Duterte lamented how the press tends to distort his statements. 

“That is why we will not respond to questions ever again until the end of my term,” he said. “Kung sa TV ka (In TV) – (it’s called) angling. In print, it is slant. The predicate of what you say is taken away. They take the ‘if”,’.

He cited in particular the news story yesterday about amnesty for New People’s Army (NPA) rebels.

Contrary to what has been reported, Duterte said he would not order an immediate release of jailed communist rebels before amnesty is approved. He stressed that conditions have to be met before the prisoners are freed.

The incoming president said he would only give a safe conduct pass to NPA leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon so they can join the peace talks.

“There will be no mass release of the NPA (members) who are in our custody,” Duterte said. “I never said I would release all (prisoners).”

He said the rebels should be ready to surrender their firearms and resume their “normal role in society.”

If these conditions are fulfilled, Duterte said he might consider asking Congress to grant them amnesty.

The incoming Duterte administration and the National Democratic Front, the political arm of the communist rebels, have agreed to resume peace talks next month. – With Alexis Romero

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