

America's Art of War: Fighting in multiple fronts

WHAT MATTERS MOST - Atty. Josephus B. Jimenez - The Freeman

The way and the extent by which the US is spreading itself too thinly is an open defiance of Sun Tzu's “The Art of War”. Almost a hundred billion dollars were just approved by the US Congress so that the government under President Joe Biden could help fund Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and in a symbolic way and scope, the Philippines, for sentimental reasons and for vested interests as well.

The Chinese sage taught us that all wars should be avoided through the use of diplomacy. If war cannot be avoided, it should be fought strategically and even psychologically in order to minimize damage and to lessen use of resources. Sun Tzu counseled all leaders of nations, states, and peoples that warfare should only be an option of last resort. He philosophizes that when a nation heads for war, its leaders already admitted some kind of being vanquished. The protracted Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to pressure America to support Volodymyr Zelensky's desperate defense of Kiev against the megalomaniacal atrocities of the Kremlin under a ruthless dictator, Vladimir Putin. To help Ukraine is a joint responsibility of NATO member nations. But America is being pushed to pick up the largest share of the burden.

In signing the law that authorizes a package of $95 billion in aid of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, Biden backs his own doctrine of "When our Allies are stronger, America is stronger". By approving that huge military aid budget to three beleaguered allies, Washington is sending a warning to Russia, the Hamas terrorists, the interventionist Iran, as well as China that America is not going to abandon its most loyal allies in their times of troubles. It is also a warning to all dictators, despots, and terrorists that America will always stand up to defend democracy anywhere in the world. Within a few hours from the signing of that law, American vessels and planes immediately rushed to Kiev to bring air defense munitions, artillery for rocket systems, and armored vehicles.

The US senators and congressmen crossed party lines to support the Biden government's aid to allies in distress. No less than 79 senators, both Democrats and Republicans approved the bill into law, while only 18 opposed it. In the Lower House, 311 congressmen from both parties voted yes while 112 said no. This is a major victory of the Biden administration against the interference by Donald Trump who threatened Republicans in both houses of punitive sanctions for supporting Biden's proposal to Congress. When America's honor and the global security are at stake, legislators cease to be Republicans and Democrats. They stand as one American nation.

America has always been known as the policeman of the world, the guardian of democracy, and the vanguard of human rights, freedom, and liberty. As of today, America is heavily involved in the armed conflict in the Gulf of Aden against the forces of Yemen. Since December last year, Biden, has launched a series of missile attacks in response to the Houthi rebels’ terrorist activities in the Red Sea which tremendously compromised the flow of the world oil supply chain. From January 2009 under President Barack Obama until 2017 under President Donald Trump, the US has been involved in Libya's liberation in Operation Inherent Resolve.

From 2014 to the present, from Obama, Trump, and Biden, America has been involved in armed conflicts in Syria.

All these and many more do indicate that America is strong enough to fight many wars in many fronts, defying the old teachings of Sun Tzu. If America will not care, who else will?

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