
News Commentary

How about cell card discount in lieu of wage increase?

- Mayen Jaymalin -
Cn d govt txt wrkrs sum oder benefits (Can the government text workers some other benefits)?

In lieu of the wage increase demands traditionally made this time of year, the Labor Solidarity Movement (LSM) wants the government to ease workers’ financial woes by putting a freeze on the prices of prepaid cellular phone cards, Internet access and other information technology services.

LSM spokesman Alex Aguilar said a freeze in the prices of information technology services is one of the ways the government can help workers stretch their paychecks.

Since the nation’s sluggish economic climate does not bode well for their demands for a wage increase, the LSM is asking government for an alternative benefits package. This benefits package includes more affordable prepaid cellular phone cards and Internet access for the estimated 60 percent of the country’s 30 million workers who use cellular phones and go online regularly.

"Anything you add to the prices of essential services is also an added burden to the purchasing power of workers, so we are demanding a freeze — if not a cut — in the prices of information technology services," Aguilar said.

Although the LSM has not conducted a formal study to peg the actual money spent by each worker on text messaging daily, the labor group estimates that each worker who owns a cellular phone spends at least P10 daily on text messaging.

"Texting and cellphone use have already become part and parcel of the daily activities of workers, thus, there is a need to freeze the prices of such services," Aguilar said.

In fact, he added, expenses incurred in workers’ use of information technology services should be incorporated into the consumer price index, which the government uses as a basis for computing wage increases.

LSM earlier announced its decision to forgo the traditional annual filing of wage petitions, but said they still seek other options for improving the living condition of workers.

"We are not seeking any wage increase this year, but the government should still provide workers with an immediate reprieve from the prevailing economic hardships, thus, we are coming out with a 10-point demand," Aguilar said.

Besides seeking a freeze in the prices of information technology services, the LSM is also asking government for cheaper rice, cheaper medicines and comprehensive and more affordable health services.

"Since we are not seeking a wage increase, the government and employers should seriously consider our other demands," Aguilar said.

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