

Eleazar reshuffles 4 key officials

Neil Jayson Servallos - The Philippine Star
Eleazar reshuffles 4 key officials
In a directive dated Nov. 3, Eleazar ordered the assignment of Highway Patrol Group director Brig. Gen. Alexander Tagum as regional director of the Soccsksargen police.
Boy Santos, file

MANILA, Philippines — Four more Philippine National Police officials have been reshuffled to key posts less than two weeks before PNP chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar’s retirement.

In a directive dated Nov. 3, Eleazar ordered the assignment of Highway Patrol Group director Brig. Gen. Alexander Tagum as regional director of the Soccsksargen police.

Tagum will be replaced by Brig. Gen. Gregory Bogñabal, who was assigned to the office of the PNP chief.

Soccsksargen regional police director Brig. Gen. Michael John Dubria was appointed to the Directorate for Intelligence while Col. Neri Ignacio was assigned to the office of the PNP chief.

Last Saturday, Eleazar ordered the transfer of Central Luzon police director Brig. Gen. Valeriano de Leon to the Civil Security Group.

De Leon was replaced by Eastern Police District director Brig. Gen. Matthew Baccay, who was replaced by Brig. Gen. Orlando Yebra.

Col. Rolando Destura was designated acting executive officer of the Directorate for Information and Communications Technology Management.

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