

Ramon Lim, former STAR opinion editor, writes 30

Greg Roasa - The Philippine Star
Ramon Lim, former STAR opinion editor, writes 30
Ramon Lim

MANILA, Philippines — Ramon M. Lim, former opinion editor of The Philippine STAR, fought a good fight from COVID to pneumonia for more than a month starting mid-January of this year.

He was being wheeled to the operating room for a VATS and tracheostomy procedure to help with his breathing, but the Lord had other plans.

We are blessed to witness the life of Mon. He is a brother in the Lord for he accepted the gift of eternal life when the gospel of Jesus Christ was presented to him by a simple shoe repair man.

Thank God Mang Jesus del Agua persisted for two years in speaking to him. He placed high value in reading the Bible and applying the principles in his life. Even though he contracted polio at age three, his mind was renewed through his exposure to the teaching of the Bible to be dependable rather that dependent for life. 

His life is a testimony of the reality of God’s promise in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.”

Ramon Lim and wife Eliz with their two sons, Juan Gabriel and Moses Daniel

The Lord was merciful, giving him the opportunity to work at The STAR, starting as a proofreader.

Truly, promotion comes from the Lord, for he became the editor of several sections until he held the position of opinion editor up to his retirement.

God’s mercy is also seen when God gifted him with a beautiful wife, Elizabeth Dayuta Lim and blessed them with two sons, Juan Gabriel and Moses Daniel. 

As a good soldier and worker of the Lord, he used his spiritual gifts for the edification of the church. Serving as an elder of Tondo Baptist Church, he also used his teaching, preaching and leadership gifts to minister to other churches and Christian organizations.

As the Lord prospered him, he chose to give generously to individuals and organizations. He did not allow his physical limitations to hinder his faithful regular worship every week and service to the Lord, especially through intercessory prayer.

Truly, his life exemplified life abundant and meaningful as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ in John 10:10. In his weakness, the strength and grace of the Lord was displayed.

He held firmly to the promise of eternal life with God in heaven; that is why the family can grieve with hope that he is in a better place, trusting that a blessed reunion awaits those who place their trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

(The author is the lead pastor of the Gospel Church of Manila.)

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