

Baby A on kissing Rody: ‘Kilig moment’

Eva Visperas - The Philippine Star

MALASIQUI, Pangasinan  , Philippines  —   The photo showing Pangasinan 3rd district Rep. Rose Marie Arenas kissing President Duterte on his right cheek during the signing of the tax reform law has become the talk of the town here.

Arenas said even she was surprised when she received more than 200 text messages the morning the photo came out on the front page of The STAR.

“First of all, the latest picture was candid shot but I think it showed that I greeted the President out of respect, admiration and fondness, just as I would greet FVR (former president Fidel V. Ramos),” Arenas told The STAR.

“Second, of course it was a kilig (exciting) moment,” she said, noting that she has realized how women would love to do the same to Duterte.

“Third, the President is a true gentleman,” she added. “I am not into selfies but I would do it for true heroes like President Duterte and FVR!” she added.

Arenas also expressed belief that the tax reform law would benefit millions of Filipinos as workers earning an annual income of P250,000 and below are exempted from paying taxes starting January 2018.

Arenas also expressed support for Duterte’s plan to shift to federalism. She said the Philippines has more than 7,000 islands with at least 28 ethnic groups and these diversities have resulted in fundamental differences that hampered peace and development.

“Perhaps, it is high time we give federalism a chance to manage these differences to achieve unity in diversity,” she added.

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