

Duterte: Honor those who fought for Philippine freedom

The Philippine Star
Duterte: Honor those who fought for Philippine freedom

Members of the Philippine Navy unload the caskets of eight Marines killed in clashes with Maute terrorists in Marawi. MIGUEL DE GUZMAN

MANILA, Philippines -  President Duterte has called on Filipinos to honor the heroism of those who fought for the Philippines’ freedom by performing their civic duties and protecting the country’s sovereignty.

In his Independence Day message, the President noted that thousands laid down their lives more than a century ago so that Filipinos today “may live with the dignity and rights befitting a free nation.”

“Let us take inspiration from our forebears who valiantly fought and offered their lives so that we may have the liberties that we enjoy today. Let us pay homage to their heroism by preserving our sovereignt and performing our own civic rights and responsibilities,” Duterte said.

“After all, it is our inherent duty as citizens to ensure that the Philippines fulfills its destiny as a great and prosperous nation,” he added.

Duterte also said the country’s journey to freedom was a “long and arduous one” and involved blood, sweat and the ultimate act of selfless sacrifice.

“Despite the insurmountable hardships, the patriotism and undaunted spirit of the Filipino led to our triumph against the shackles of slavery and abuse,” the President added.

The Philippines is celebrating today the 119th anniversary of the proclamation of its independence from Spain.

Photo shows President Duterte comforting a relative of slain S/Sgt. Joven Triston upon arrival of the remains at the Villamor Airbase in Pasay City from Cagayan de Oro last night. MIGUEL DE GUZMAN

Duterte will lead the flag-raising and wreath laying ceremonies in Rizal Park in Manila. Independence Day rites will also be held in Pampanga, Laguna, Davao City, Bukidnon, Baguio City, Iloilo, Cavite, Bulacan, Caloocan and San Juan.

But Duterte cancelled the traditional vin d’honneur to attend to matters in Mindanao, which has been placed under martial law because of terrorist threats.

Leni to join Rody in ceremonies

Vice President Leni Robredo will also attend the wreath-laying ceremonies in Rizal Park. In the afternoon, she is expected to attend a democracy summit at the University of the Philippines Diliman.

Robredo asked Filipinos to honor the soldiers and policemen who fought for freedom in Marawi City.

The military aims to raise the Philippine flag in Marawi this Independence Day to show that the government has regained control of the country’s only Islamic City after almost three weeks of intense fighting with extremists, who had claimed allegiance to the terrorist organization Islamic State.

“On Independence Day, let’s not forget the heroism of our countrymen who continue to fight members of the Maute terror group in Marawi City,” Robredo said yesterday over her weekly program over dzXL BISErbisyong Leni.

Robredo said she hopes Filipinos today would be inspired by Philippines’ gaining of independence 119 years ago.

Senators also called on Filipinos to fight for freedom from terror, injustice and poverty amid the proliferation of fake news and online persecution that they said undermine the country’s democracy.

Liberal Party Senators Paolo Benigno Aquino IV and Francis Pangilinan in separate statements said 119 years after the country’s obtained its independence because of the sacrifices of heroes, its democracy continues to be under threat.

Pangilinan cited the ongoing battle in Marawi City as well the imposition of martial law in Mindanao; high-poverty incidence; inaccessibility of education, and proliferation of fake news.

He said he wished that Filipinos be “free from fake news and lies.”

“As one nation, we have gone through many trials. We owe that to those who gave their lives and sacrificed – our heroes, ordinary people who responded to the challenge of history,” Pangilinan said in Filipino.

Aquino said Filipinos in the past fought for independence from foreign rule, and fought for freedom from a ruthless dictator, referring to the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos.

“Now, we fight terrorism, encroachment on our territory and our freedom to dissent,” the senator said.

“In an era of fake news, rabid online persecution and weak political institutions, we need to fight for our democracy now more than ever,” he said.

Detained Sen. Leila de Lima saluted the country’s modern day heroes – overseas Filipino workers, teachers, government workers and media, as well as hardworking Filipinos who toil for their families.

De Lima also thanked the soldiers and policemen who continue to battle Maute militants in Marawi City to protect the country from terrorism.

“We call on the Duterte regime to stop your crooked system of governance. The country cannot grow by killing our poor countrymen,” she said, referring to the drug-related extrajudicial killings that critics said have only victimized low-level pushers.

Sen. Joel Villanueva is set to file a bill penalizing those who “maliciously” create and intentionally spread fake news in print, broadcast or online following the false claims of Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II implicating some opposition lawmakers in the conflict in Marawi City. – Alexis Romero, Helen Flores, Paolo Romero, Cecille Suerte-Felipe

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