
Freeman Region

As power returns to Samar: 3 of 4 kids die of electrocution

Miriam Garcia Desacada - The Freeman

TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines — Three of four children in Calbayog City of Samar early last night died after getting electrocuted by a live wire. The fourth one however survived and was rushed to a private hospital in Tacloban City.

Authorities in Calbayog confirmed the three fatalities were cousins, identified as Nathan, 7, and Joey, 5, both surnamed Tomenes, and Stephen Aying, 7. The one who survived was a 5-year-old boy.

All four of them were playing at around 6 p.m. yesterday along Cabanas Street at Barangay San Policarpo in Calbayog when they accidentally touched a live wire left hanging near a mango tree.

Calbayog City Mayor Ronald Aquino, in a phone interview, told The Philippine Star/The Freeman that the report he received minutes after the incident showed that the victims were playing just hours after the entire city was energized after a weeklong power outage.

"I already ordered a thorough investigation for the incident while the city is also set to extend financial assistance to the family of the victims, and see kung nagpabaya ba, on the part of the Samar Electric Cooperative concerned officials," Aquino added. (FREEMAN)

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