

Reports on EJKs make Phl a hard sell — Teo

Alexis Romero - The Philippine Star

BANGKOK – Reports about extrajudicial killings in the country make it hard for the government to sell the Philippines as a tourist destination and Vice President Leni Robredo’s recent statement before the United Nations will not help, President Duterte’s tourism chief said here yesterday.  

“So I hope we could, if possible, and even it does not only refer to… VP Leni but also to the media, to please tone down a bit the (reports on) extrajudicial killing because I am always asked… whenever I go even in Asia and Europe, ‘is this true?’” Tourism Secretary Wanda Teo told reporters covering Duterte’s visit here. Teo was part of the delegation.

Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez earlier threatened to have Robredo impeached because of the video but Robredo’s camp said there was nothing impeachable about her statement revealing alleged police abuses in Duterte’s war on drugs.

Robredo’s spokesperson, Georgina Hernandez, said telling the truth is not an impeachable offense.

Teo said she is always asked about the alleged summary executions in the Philippines whenever she is in another country.

“I have great respect for VP Leni. Philippines is now becoming… an alternate destination in Asia… Statements like that… make it hard for us to sell the Philippines,” Teo said.

While claiming to have difficulty marketing the country because of the issue on extrajudicial killings, Teo said more tourists are coming to the Philippines.

“In spite of that, I still see that we have more tourists coming to the Philippines, especially (from) China, Europe and Asia. So I hope we can tone down statements like this because I am really having a hard time selling (the Philippines),” the tourism chief said.

Asked if she has a message to Robredo, Teo said: “Just help us sell the Philippines. Help us.”

The tourism department hopes to attract 6.5 million tourists this year.

But acting Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said Robredo’s tirades against the administration’s war on drugs would not affect the Philippines’ relationship with other countries.

“Our relations with all countries are still very good. In fact, I haven’t seen any change in that,” Manalo said.

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