

The Vicariate of Southern Bohol

CEBUPEDIA - Clarence Paul Oaminal - The Freeman

(Last of two parts)

Bohol used to be part of the Diocese of Cebu, it was composed of the Northern and Southern Vicariate. The following are parishes of the Southern Vicariate:

Dimiao, Fr. Felipe Redondo said in his book in 1886 that there is no exact date of its creation. However, the oldest entry of its canonical books dates way back to 1750. It is under the patronage of San Nicolas de Tolentino.

Lila, erected as a parish by Diocesan decree on July 6, 1869 through Superior approval on June 5, 1868, under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary. Its mother parish is Dimiao (Valencia was also under the Parish of Dimiao).

Loay, it is under the patronage of the Most Holy Trinity. Its creation dates back to 1799 when it separated from Loboc, its mother parish. The parish used to cover only two barrios and a school.

Loboc, it is dedicated to the Apostle St. Peter. Its date of creation is not known, but the entries in its books go back to 1602. The book “Breve Resena de lo que y de lo que es la Diocesis de Cebu en Las Islas Filipinas” translated into English by Azucena L. Pace notes that according to the “Escolastico de los Recoletos” the evangelization of the doctrine was begun when the first missionaries of the Society of Jesus arrived in the island of Bojol (Bohol).

Sevilla, it was erected as a parish under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe on October 12, 1872 through Superior approval on January 8, 1872. It separated from its mother parish, Loboc.

Bilar, it was separated in 1831 by Royal approval on April 18, 1829 from the parish of Loboc. Its patron saint is San Isidro Labrador.

Carmen, erected as a parish under the patronage of St. Anthony Abbot on September 9, 1874 through Superior approval on February 1, 1874. Its mother parish is Bilar.

Sierra-Bullones, the parish was established by Diocesan decree on June 5, 1865 under the patronage of Our Lady of the Pillar, through Superior approval on January 5, 1872. It separated from its mother parish, Jagna.


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