
Cebu News

DOH-7 asks public to help extend mental health needs

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines —  Department of Health Central Visayas Center for Health Development (DOH-CV-CHD) regional director Jaime Bernadas has called on everyone to collaboratively address risk factors for suicide while promoting protective factors to ensure the well-being of all Filipinos.

Depression and other mental health conditions can strike anyone at any time.

Mental health issues and suicide remains a major global and regional concern including in Central Visayas, stressed Bernadas.

No figures of suicide cases though had been revealed but even verified news reports show several suicide attempts and deaths had been noted.

“Recently, reports in the region circulated that people lost their lives while battling a form of mental issue, which is why the DOH-CV-CHD emphasizes the importance of mental health,” said Bernadas, in a statement.

Families, friends, and institutions have a significant role to play in ensuring that those in need receive assistance.

“It is paramount that we specifically acknowledge our feelings and thoughts while encouraging everyone to be more understanding, patient, and kind when people with mental health problems decide to seek professional help,” stressed Bernadas.

Recognizing the need for assistance and seeking assistance from mental health professionals is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Everyone is urged not to stigmatize or discriminate against people who are suffering from such health conditions.

“We urge the public not to stigmatize or discriminate against people suffering from depression or other mental health conditions,” added Bernadas.

DOH also joins mental health professionals and advocates in imploring the public to respect grieving families and individuals who have been affected by the death of someone they love.

“Let us be responsible social media users and abstain from uploading videos and reports that sensationalize the individual’s and their loved one’s pain and suffering,” Bernadas said.

Those who may have or someone they know of, that may be suffering from mental health issues, may contact the DOH Tawag Paglaum - Centro Bisaya at 0939 937-5433, 0939 936-5433, and 0926 626-4236, the DOH CVCHD Mental Health Program at 0918-558-9596 or 0977-352-3958, the DOH National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline 1553, or your trusted mental health professional.

“We want to underscore that assistance is readily available for people of all ages, regardless of social status, gender, or religion,” ended Barnadas. — GMR (FREEMAN)

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