
Freeman Cebu Business

Marco Polo Plaza pledges support to Apas frontliners

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines —  True hospitality comes with a heart for the community. In coordination with Barangay Captain Virgil Cabigon, Marco Polo Plaza Cebu shared food packs to a hundred frontliners in Barangay Apas who are manning 13 entry and exit points. This meal preparation initiative is a commitment to aid and support our BarangayApasfrontliners every Tuesday, until the end of the enhanced community quarantine. 

While most of the hotel associates are working from home since the Enhanced Community Quarantine, a few associates have volunteered to be part of the team that will accommodate and serve our in-house guests. Staying true to our core values of the company, Marco Polo Plaza extends their love of teamwork and excellent service to Barangay Apas. Brian Connelly, General Manager of Marco Polo Plaza Cebu shares, “We are one with Barangay Apas in our fight against COVID 19. The hotel is grateful for their service and this is our way of showing our support to them. One of the core values of Marco Polo Hotels is Corporate Citizenship, and this pandemic truly calls for us to rise to the occasion and do our part in the community.”

As the pandemic challenges the industry’s new normal, Marco Polo Plaza gives new meaning to celebration and gratitude. The hotel will have its 14th anniversary this month of April and we are celebrating this by giving back to our BarangayApas frontliners, every Tuesday until the ECQ is lifted, one food pack at a time.

We are one with the Cebuano community in this trying time. This pandemic has truly reminded us that true hospitality is thinking of each other, putting ourselves in their shoes, and solving problems together.

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