

IOC decides against further punishment for Ryan Lochte

Associated Press

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Ryan Lochte will not receive separate punishment from the International Olympic Committee for lying about being robbed at gunpoint during the Rio de Janeiro Games.

The IOC says it is "adequate" that United States team officials have already banned the swimmer for 10 months and required him to forfeit $100,000 in bonuses. Lochte will miss the 2017 world championships.

The Olympic body says its disciplinary panel decided "no additional penalty was needed on its part."

The IOC panel also accepted the four-month bans imposed on Lochte's teammates Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen. All four will miss a Team USA visit to the White House.

Lochte and his teammates were involved in an early-morning drunken encounter at a Rio gas station before claiming they were threatened and robbed.

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