Mucuna sp.
Scientific name: Mucuna sp.
Family: Leguminosae/Fabaceae
Description: Woody vine with alternate, trifoliate leaves. Leaves trifoliate.Leaflets oblong, acuminate. Flowers in axillary racemes, pendant, to 50 cm long. Flowers showy, papilonaceous, dark maroon to black, 2.5 to 3 cm long. Pod not seen.
Distribution: Philippines: Luzon (Zambales, San Marcelino) Endemic
Habitat: In abandoned mining site. Rather rare.
Economic uses: Potentially an ornamental plant but not yet seen cultivated in gardens. Pods of Mucuna are usually covered with tiny, irritating hairs and should be avoided.
Conservation status: Not threatened at present but may become so in the future because of habitat destruction.
Propagation: Usually by seeds.
Photo: DAMadulid
For further information write to: Domingo A. Madulid. Email: [email protected]
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