

Are we going to sell our future?

OFF TANGENT - Aven Piramide - The Freeman

There was a 1976 song sang by Anni-Frid Lyngstad of the Swedish band called ABBA that contained a so catchy a melody that made it a hit sound. It was like a ditty that was easy to hum along and effortless to follow. Its title Money, Money Money was interesting to almost everybody for about half a century as it probably still is. Many of us did not mind the lyrics then nor give a thought to its being a story of a woman who dreamt of finding a wealthy man so that she could live off his riches. Well, there seemed to be nothing wrong with a woman dreaming for a better life except that the lyrics said if (in her words) she found  a wealthy man I wouldn t have to work at all, I d fool around and have a ball...

That may actually be the mentality of some women, past and present, but in my book, specially the admission  I d fool around  that is disgusting! I take the words  fooling around  as including those acts which can be considered as breaching acceptable moral boundaries. Pray tell me, what else does a woman do when she  fools around ? Of course, this can also apply to men. We too can  fool around . But, call me a prude, as I, despite my human frailties, still insist on trying my level best to lead a moral life.

There were two Facebook posts, few days ago, that reminded me of the story that was intertwined in ABBA s Money, Money, Money. Using unmistakable language, two people announced thru their FB accounts that their votes in the coming barangay elections are for sale. Their separate fb accounts indicate that they are not related to each other. Yet, the commonality of their immoral message is strikingly similar. They will vote ONLY (the emphasis is mine) for candidates who can give them Five Hundred Pesos. Money is the only consideration for them. Nothing else. They do not ask whether the candidate is capable of handling the affairs of government.

Using the lone immoral criterion given by the FB account holders I am referring to, it is possible that a person who is known in a locality to be involved in the illegal drug trade but can afford to give P500, to every elector can be voted to a barangay position. Who knows that an inveterate gambler or a congenital liar can become a barangay official by simply buying votes. One poster even said that he is raising his price from P200 in last election to P500 this October because in this regime of the new president everything has become costly although he did not mention the object of his goddamned expletives. What a ludicrous justification!

That they brazenly publicize an intention to violate the sanctity of the ballot displays a total of absence of righteousness. It is this kind of elector that is responsible for bringing our government to the morass that we have sunk to. What is worse is that the thinking of these 2 FB accounts seems to pervade the minds of our voters. Yes, there were hundreds of reactors to the FB posts. None of them felt the disgust that overwhelmed me. Hearts were registered by many who perceptively intend to sell their votes also this October election. More comments, written clear language, express that they too are selling their right. With this graphic political picture based on money, money, money, what awaits our country?

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