

The Obama-Osama conundrum

POINTILLISMS - Mike Acebedo Lopez -

Since Obama announced that Osama has been killed in a covert operation by elite forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan, how many people, in sharing the (good) news have mistakenly said Obama instead of Osama, and vice versa? Countless! News anchors, those guys celebrating in ground zero, me, and probably you, too!

 The conundrum is understandable since their unique-sounding names differ only in one letter. But what is perplexing is how two of the most (in)famous individuals in contemporary world affairs share almost identical names—coincidence?

 Many conspiracy theories start like this: a striking coincidence, an intriguing mystery, an unresolved crime, or a rumor that shows no signs of abating. The United States has seen a great deal of conspiracy theories, some of which can be traced all the way back to their founding fathers. But this century and the last one has seen arguably more conspiracy theories with the advent of broadcast, print, and online media: the Kennedy assassination, the purported ‘man on the moon hoax,’ the alleged UFO research facility in Roswell, all these and more have questions that beg, thirst, and yearn for answers. 

 But perhaps nothing can be a bigger conspiracy theory than those surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. Nothing can be bigger, in terms of lives lost and the effect it has on the modern world and economy: people now live in fear and terror, believing that no one is safe from the threat of terrorism.

 Michael Moore’s documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, effectively portrayed America and the Bush administration as a blood-thirsty animal without a hint of a conscience, and laid down a convincing pitch linking the US government, Osama and Al Qaeda, Bush, the Carlyle Group (US military’s armaments supplier), and the War on Terror together in a wild tapestry of greed and deceit.

 Another documentary called Loose Change has found its way to YouTube, one link featuring it having over five million hits. The provocative documentary goes into very specific details, raises compelling facts and scientific explanations that could very well lend credence to the claim and belief of many a conspiracy theorist out there—that 9/11 was a self-inflicted wound.

 But while many conspiracy theories begin with striking coincidences, intriguing mysteries, unresolved crimes, rumors, inconsistencies in government statements, principles and action is the most persuasive indicator that a government isn’t saying everything it should. 

 And in the case of America, looking at empirical data, when you consider how many times its government has resorted to cover-ups, it isn’t surprising any more why people have so much distrust in the US government. The so-called global police has engaged in a string of machinations and diversionary tactics that make it difficult to believe everything it says.

 What am I saying? The War on Terror, commenced after the attacks on the twin towers, made a dramatic (read unwarranted) shift to Iraq and Saddam Hussein when it should’ve been focused on Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network of terrorists. Then there’s the more recent UN Security Council resolution sponsored by the US enforcing a no-fly zone in Libya. We all know what happened next: Ghaddafi’s kin were killed, therefore lifting the blanket of credibility the UN resolution supposedly had on the NATO airstrikes and revealing the US’s real but clandestine intent—to kill Ghaddafi— and effectively dealing a dangerous blow against the United Nation’s credibility, already plagued with accusations of irrelevance by many.

 Some say the “Osama is dead” news is supposed to divert people’s attention from the major gaffe of the Libyan airstrikes. Whatever the case may be, the covert operations conducted in Abbottabad, one made without the knowledge of Pakistani authorities, is yet another proof of how the US’ interventionist moves are always made through methods rarely involving honesty or full disclosure.

 But is Osama really dead? Dumping his dead body in the sea seems fishy to me. Some of the reasons they’ve pointed out for making the move seem justifiable but until they show proof that he really is, and not some photo or video that can easily be doctored in this age of Photoshop or Hollywood studio at home, I think I’ll remain skeptical.

 And America should understand why skeptics like me exist: whether truly self inflicted or not, the wounds and trauma of September 11 have led to fear, and fear leads to paranoia, paranoia to distrust.

 I’ll leave you with an assignment: search Loose Change on YouTube and let me know what you think: Is there more to the Obama- Osama conundrum than their strikingly similar names?


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