

Lumpia, turon down 6 teachers, 88 students

Janvic Mateo - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Six teachers and 88 students of a public elementary school in Occidental Mindoro were hospitalized after eating spring rolls or lumpia and turon on Monday.

The Department of Education (DepEd) said it would investigate the incident that occurred at the San Francisco Elementary School in Sablayan.

The foods were reportedly bought from a vendor who entered the school premises.

The victims experienced stomach pains after eating the lumpia and turon.

DepEd spokesman Michael Poa said the school division office sent nurses to assist the students and teachers.

Most of the victims were immediately discharged after receiving treatment, while some were confined for further observation.

“We took food samples to determine the cause of the food poisoning. We are still waiting for the results,” Poa said, adding the investigation will determine if DepEd policies were violated.

He cited a DepEd order prohibiting unauthorized food vendors in school premises.

“Teachers and school personnel are also prohibited from selling food items in school, unless authorized by the school head or the teachers’ cooperative,” the DepEd order read.

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