

Source: Captive Aussie expected to be released anytime soon

Roel Pareño - The Philippine Star


ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - Australian intelligence security service personnel were interfering and directing the Philippine security forces to avoid making public the release of its kidnapped compatriot who is expected to be freed in Basilan “anytime soon,” a senior government security official said.

The source, who was not allowed to make public statement but has been working closely in securing Warren Richard Rodwell, said “the release was already eminent late Thursday afternoon.”

“For what reason why there was no release that happened, that’s what we are trying to find out because the mediator was already inside and presumably to fetch the victim,” the highly placed source added.

The source added that a huey chopper was requested by the Australian security service personnel through the United States military based here to airlift the victim once freed to the Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom).

However, the Australian security service personnel were dictating the military and police not to make public the release.

“Obviously, the Australian security service is already dictating the job of the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) and the PNP (Philippine National Police). If they want to take the lead role then it is violation to the Philippine charter,” the Philippine security official said.

The incursion of the Australian security service was not the first as there were also squabbles between them and the local police and military intelligence units in the early stage of resolving the release of Rodwell.

As of press time, negotiation for the safe release of Rodwell has been ongoing, Col. Rodrigo Gregorio, spokesman of Westmincom said.

“We are hopeful that anytime soon Rodwell will be freed. This is due to the new development taking place,” Gregorio said.

However. Gregorio said they were not privy and could not elaborate any specific development on the efforts on the ground. 

He, however, assured the local media will be alerted to cover the arrival once the release of the kidnap victim is successful.

Rodwell, now 54 year old, was forcibly taken by six to seven gunmen from his home in Green Meadows Subdivision in Barangay Upper Pangi in Ipil town, Zamboanga Sibugay last Dec. 5, 2011.

The source disclosed that the family of Rodwell personally approached the negotiator to deal with the kidnappers as the kidnapping crisis has been dragging for more than 16 months.

The source added that the ‘mediator’ is known to by the kidnappers as he has peacefully worked for the release of the hostages of the previous kidnapping incidents without bloodshed.

Another security official said there were indications that the kidnappers have agreed on the $1 million-dollar ransom out from their original $2 million-dollar demand in exchange for the release of the victim.

Reports indicated that Rodwell has been kept by the suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in the mountains of Tipo-Tipo town. 

The source, however, said Rodwell could not afford such huge amount attesting the victim was indeed poor.

“The victim, before he was abducted, was only taking rice congee or porridge with pandesal as his usual meal which sometime caused his quarrel with his Filipino wife,” the security official said.

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