Eat well, sleep well, then let it go

Retreat places are situated in far-off places where one retreats from daily concerns into the direction of stilling one’s mind, one’s heart, and feeling the Divine.

I just finished a 10-day retreat in California. It was a game changer not because of new information but because of what I felt.

This is reality: Spiritual worlds do exist. They are inhabited by Beings of Great Magnitude. Some religions call them angels, others saints, others spiritual connections; whatever the term, the existence of these presences cannot be denied.  Although we may not be aware of it, much of what happens in our lives is influenced by these presences. The key to life is to be able to facilitate access to these spiritual realms. Prayer alone won’t do it. More often than not, this comes from the mind thinking of problems and thinking what God should give. This doesn’t provide access to these realms. Love does. Real, genuine love, which is felt in the stillness of one’s being, in the aspirations of one’s soul.

For this to happen, there needs to be an envionment. This is why retreat places are more often than not situated in far-off places — away from the hustle and bustle of life — where one retreats from daily concerns into the direction of stilling one’s mind, one’s heart, and feeling the Divine.

There is something to be said about people gathering together for one unified purpose: to let God rule their lives. When there is a comittment to truth, to love, to integrity, this creates a vessel on which Higher Forces can land. The whole experience is very powerful and can be life-changing because it builds the capability to hold these forces even when the retreat is over.

Otherwise, the retreat is a flash in the pan and its value is limited to the few days when one was there. The reason why I keep going is because of its effect on the quality of my life. I feel different about myself and this manifests in the work I do and the people I deal with.

Look at life around you. It is not easy. People are not easy. Situations are what they are. The premier factor under our influence of change is ourselves. If we change ourselves, we shift the way we perceive the world, the way we interact with the world — and ultimately, the very reality we live in. What happens is that as we change, the world around us directly shifts. It is the most authentic way to go.

I come back to San Francisco and on several channels, there are over a million young people that have gathered in 800 cities across the country advocating stricter gun control. I was even told 85 percent of Americans believe there should be stricter gun control but because the NRA has deep pockets on which politicans depend, guns are sold easily and literally, thousands are killed yearly.

I heard the youth take the stand, fire in their eyes and in their bellies, their hearts full of passion — they had me teary-eyed many times over. These were teens who suffered from deaths of loved ones in schools, which were supposed to be havens for learning. Students from all over the country lent their support. Grandmothers, mothers — it was so heart-filling, people uniting for a noble cause: life.

We must change. The world must change. The power for all of this comes from within. 

As my favorite song goes: “There are miracles in life I must achieve. But first I know it starts Inside of me. . .”

What is inside of me? It is the access to spiritual worlds. When the purity of our being meets up with the forces of truth, of love, therein lies our spiritual destiny. Therein lies our growth as human beings and therein lies the growth of our nation.

The path inside can take many forms. I do Clairvision. 

For information, call Frank Quilas at 0917-6212159. 

My father did Zen meditation in the last 15 years of his life. His teacher was Sister Sonia, a Cenacle nun and a Zen master. You can reach her at 0919-2449706. 

My brother Gabby and sister Marisa also do Zen. I have a sister, Roberta, who is the president of Yoga Manila. My mother does Christian meditation. I love this because it takes the Catholic faith beyond the rituals and externalities to the realm of consciousness. She has a meditation group that has been sitting for over 20 years religiously every Tuesday. 

My other brother Ernie who heads ABS pubishing is a Born Again Christian and is heavily into sports. He is an Iron Man. 

Let me end by urging you to take care of your health! Eat well, sleep well, then let it go. The positive approach, the way of love is always, always, always the best way to go. 

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If you need more information, I can be reached at

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